Character references....hmmmm

John Apple

Just a guy
Old Timer
Jan 26, 2003
When dealing with folk in tarantula deals should this be allowed or should it not be
He or she is a great person or they are a good guy of course while in the same paragraph as a review on the livestock that they have...well would you deal with a rude person even if the livestock was up to standard or would you not and go deal with the nicer more conversational know the one that took the time to help and not make a quick sale ....or is the character not important and just gimmee the bugs cause I paid for that being said what would you do and is character of the seller or buyer important to anyone:?...this is something that has puzzled me a bit of late...
I assume this is the proper place to post as this is in general a question about where and who to get your T's...thereby making it a discussion about T/s


Old Timer
Dec 25, 2007
When dealing with folk in tarantula deals should this be allowed or should it not be
He or she is a great person or they are a good guy of course while in the same paragraph as a review on the livestock that they have...well would you deal with a rude person even if the livestock was up to standard or would you not and go deal with the nicer more conversational know the one that took the time to help and not make a quick sale ....or is the character not important and just gimmee the bugs cause I paid for that being said what would you do and is character of the seller or buyer important to anyone:?...this is something that has puzzled me a bit of late...
I assume this is the proper place to post as this is in general a question about where and who to get your T's...thereby making it a discussion about T/s
Character helps get return customers. I would shop from a nice guy first, if I was impressed by there customer service.



Old Timer
Nov 11, 2008
Mostly everyone I have dealt with so far has been pretty nice buyers and sellers alike. Me personally if someone is rude I won't buy from them so I try not to be rude either. Now a bad seller or a rude seller no I wont do anymore business with them and am sure to tell friends about it as well as be honest in a review. I don't take much personal and on that same note I do except people have bad days. The only one I thought was rude was just having a bad day that day and it was cleared up later. I think it shows good business practices not to treat your customers rude so I see no harm in commenting on the attitude of an individual as well as the quality of stock and packing.


Jun 18, 2010
I have in the past,not bought from a well established guy because I cant personally talk to anyone before making my order.If your in business I think that making yourself available for questions regarding your product is absolutely necessary.As for ones attitude with customers. I would just as soon pay more to deal with a decent individual than a pompous jerk.Money is hard to come by and you wont get mine if your not willing to be curious.

John Apple

Just a guy
Old Timer
Jan 26, 2003
well all that being said ....and as I can see character of the individual plays a BIG part on transactions between seller and buyer
Now the next question here....should these references be allowed in reviews not just here but on other sites also or should posts be deleted and just the 'guts' of the transaction be posted...thereby passing up on the good guy or gal references:rolleyes:...
There are people that I deal with and the character plays a LARGE part in the transaction [of course as does the stock]


Old Timer
Sep 4, 2010
Well, in my case, I didn't have a lot of choice! I was really looking for tarantulas and there was only 2 shops that were selling tarantulas.One of them, was selling a Mexican Red Knee for 350$ and the other one was selling 2 Chilean Rose Hair Tarantulas for 90$! So I went for the second one :D


Arachnoboards Team
Staff member
Jan 11, 2004
Admin's Note

When dealing with folk in tarantula deals should this be allowed or should it not be
He or she is a great person or they are a good guy of course while in the same paragraph as a review on the livestock that they have...well would you deal with a rude person even if the livestock was up to standard or would you not and go deal with the nicer more conversational know the one that took the time to help and not make a quick sale ....or is the character not important and just gimmee the bugs cause I paid for that being said what would you do and is character of the seller or buyer important to anyone:?...this is something that has puzzled me a bit of late...
I assume this is the proper place to post as this is in general a question about where and who to get your T's...thereby making it a discussion about T/s
well all that being said ....and as I can see character of the individual plays a BIG part on transactions between seller and buyer
Now the next question here....should these references be allowed in reviews not just here but on other sites also or should posts be deleted and just the 'guts' of the transaction be posted...thereby passing up on the good guy or gal references:rolleyes:...
There are people that I deal with and the character plays a LARGE part in the transaction [of course as does the stock]
Hey John,

Not sure myself if this is really where the thread should be, but it's close and I can't think of anywhere better to put it so I'll leave it here. ;)

I don't know about other sites, but the rules here are not based on consensus. The rules are based on our experience in what keeps the boards running smoothly over the past 10 or so years. AB has never been a democracy, it's more of a benevolent dictatorship. ;)

I think some clarification may be needed here. Character reviews are indeed allowable, as long as they are part of a review of a completed transaction.

What this means is that a review that says:

I buy from AlphaBeta all the time. They have great stock and always answer all my questions. You should buy from them.
would NOT be acceptable.

A review that says:

I ordered a mexican red knee from AlphaBeta last week. When I received the t, it was in excellent health and the packing was amazing as always. Whenever I see AlphaBeta at shows, their tarantulas are all well taken care of and in excellent shape. The guys are always quick to help answer any questions whether over email, phone, or in person. You should go to them for all your tarantula needs.
would be acceptable.

Hope that clears up any confusion.



Old Timer
Apr 7, 2010
I suppose to some, if they get the product they want, that's all that matters. To me, part of the hobby involves interacting with other hobbyists. I've had nothing but good experiences dealing with folks from this board, however, I choose who to deal with based on their reviews. I would hope a review would include all aspects of a transaction, to better assist in making an informed decision as to who to deal with


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
I think some clarification may be needed here. Character reviews are indeed allowable, as long as they are part of a review of a completed transaction.

What this means is that a review that says:

would NOT be acceptable.

A review that says:

would be acceptable.

Hope that clears up any confusion.

both those reviews are "legally" identical, i believe, with regards to your rules. and both certainly follow your rules. i think you need to say somethign along the lines of "each review should hold concrete details for one completed transaction" to actually say what you mean.

i mean, the first review clearly states they have completed one or more transactions i.e "buy from AlphaBeta all the time"

John Apple

Just a guy
Old Timer
Jan 26, 2003
hey Andrew
Notice Scott said 'benevolent dictatorship'...had me chuckling a bit about that somewhat
It is what it is and I am assuming [yeah bad word] that the rules are a 'guideline' to follow with I am sure a lil leeway ....but then there is the anality [is that a word] that is enforced....
There is a reason I started this thread and I can go into details just not here as calling out mods is against the 'guidelines'


Cult Leader
Old Timer
May 20, 2008
Moderator's Note

I buy from AlphaBeta all the time. They have great stock and always answer all my questions. You should buy from them.
I ordered a mexican red knee from AlphaBeta last week. When I received the t, it was in excellent health and the packing was amazing as always. Whenever I see AlphaBeta at shows, their tarantulas are all well taken care of and in excellent shape. The guys are always quick to help answer any questions whether over email, phone, or in person. You should go to them for all your tarantula needs.
Here's the first sentence from the rules for reviews:
This forum is here for you to post positive, neutral or negative feedback reviews on your (first hand) experiences from a specific (most recent) transaction with online sellers you have done business with (completed transactions).
The problem with review A is that it's too general ("buy all the time") and doesn't contain any details, contrary to review B, which speaks of a specific transaction ("ordered a mexican red knee last week"). Review B also contains details about the transaction - "t in excellent health" & "packaging amazing." The part "great stock" in review A doesn't cut it as far as details go. The rest of review B is the character references part, which is, as Scott said (and as it's stated in the rules), allowed as long as it's accompanied by a valid review with details.


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2009
Alpha-Beta has been outta Business for YEARS! - LOL

My understanding was, they were owned by Albertson's/Lucky's @ time of sale :rolleyes:

I like Safeway on the West-Coast :p

Why am I reminded of Leslie Neilson :D


Roach Lovers Mom
Old Timer
Jan 27, 2008
If a person is a jerk, I will not deal with them, I dont really care about their prices. I always give reviews & have only left one bad one just so others know about him.


I think the review section is very important however I have found several who I have been the starter for their review thread & they have been great too. I was even able to help some of them learn how to ship for the first time.

Lifes too short to play games that some people want to do. There are so many nice people out there just waiting for your service. Go with them! Kim
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Old Timer
Jul 28, 2010
I have had the experience of dealing with a breeder, until his wife decided that I was too "chatty and friendly" and asked me quite rudely to refrain from doing business with her husband. Their loss IMO, I think I have a right to ask a few questions about the species I'm paying my hard earned $$$ for, and had nothing to hide or feel bad about.
(I mean, I've gone from 1 to 25 in 3 months, paying cash upfront and livestock unseen)

So upwards, and inwards, as I always say :)
I don't need to prove myself to anyone.

Just amazes me how rude and ungracious some people can be.
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John Apple

Just a guy
Old Timer
Jan 26, 2003
there really seems to be a fine broken line here with character references.....


Arachnoboards Team
Staff member
Jan 11, 2004
there really seems to be a fine broken line here with character references.....
Far from broken. Clearly spelled out in the rules, plus several times in this thread. Just because you don't like the rule, doesn't mean it's broken. :wall:

Character references ARE allowed, but ONLY in addition to your detailed review of your most recent completed transaction. You just can't have a character reference by itself without any details of a recent completed transaction. Why is that so difficult to understand? It's not rocket science. It's actually quite simple.


John Apple

Just a guy
Old Timer
Jan 26, 2003
thinking it is more of a broken line with enforcement...but that is just my opinion here....just my opinion
clearly spelled does not allways mean clearly followed
But like I said this is just an opinion...not calling anyone out here


Arachnoboards Team
Staff member
Jan 11, 2004
thinking it is more of a broken line with enforcement...but that is just my opinion here....just my opinion
clearly spelled does not allways mean clearly followed
But like I said this is just an opinion...not calling anyone out here
You are correct that clearly spelled out does not mean clearly followed. Unfortunately, not everyone feels they should follow the rules or bothers to read them. Sad, but true. :(

It is physically impossible for us to read every single post anymore, with the sheer amount of members and posts we have on here every day, unfortunately. We try our best but there will always be some that we miss. We are human after all. This is why we have the "report bad post" feature, for the members to help us out, in case there was something we happened to miss. So, feel free to bring to our attention by reporting any post that you think is not adhering to our rules and we will gladly look into them. :)
