Centruroides margaritatus Identification


Dec 18, 2018
So I was looking into the potency of Centruroides margaritatus and I discovered that Centruroides margartitatus is actually overused to describe a lot of scorpions that aren't actually that. I found a revision on the species published in 2011 that separates them from Centruroides edwarsii (which are found throughout Central America), and separates them from some other species that often get confused. I double checked the ones I have and I'm pretty sure the species I have are Centruroides edwarsii. I know C margaritatus have been way more common recently, does anyone happen to know the locality they were collected in or be able to track that down? I would also double check your scorpions if you have C margaritatus. The revision is here: https://www.researchgate.net/public...d_closely_related_species_Scorpiones_Buthidae

"Comparisons. This species was largely confounded
with C. margaritatus, from which it clearly differs by
having pedipalps profusely pilose, hand with dorsal
marginal carina almost smooth and very pilose (Fig. 4
C–D), telson with subaculear tubercle close to aculeus
and directed towards its basal one-third (Figs. 4 G, 6 C,
D), carinae on the pedipalp femur and patella with
smaller and closer granules. Also, when same-sized
adults of both species are compared side-by-side, it becomes evident that both sexes of C. edwardsii have
pedipalps (especially chelae) and metasoma shorter and
more robust than in C. margaritatus (see our Figs. 1–7)."

1731995609138.png 1731995621545.png

Which if I'm looking at this correctly seems indicate that Centruroides margaritatus does not have distinctly hairy pedipalps.

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1731995903649.png 1731995885428.png

These are mine, purchased from PNWarachnids. I know multiple sellers have them right now though and it's likely they came from the same import or from the same person.


Old Timer
Oct 18, 2003
I had a pair that looked very very much like that many many years ago. Before that paper came out I believe. Not sure if I can find the pictures anymore but what digging I did around the time I think it was possible the ones I had were from Cuba? Like most centruroides their colours vary a lot, but these ones were a beautiful reddish purple.

I thought I had picked up a breeding pair from a store, turns out it was one male, one subadult male. womp womp. They were still social and lived contently in the same tank but almost never on the same side.

I will dig and see if I can find the photos, I'm curious now, but I don't recall the hands being hairy. I'm curious now.


Old Timer
Oct 18, 2003
Looks like I def had C. Margaritatus then, I just found a bunch of my old photos. sadly they aren't amazing, but the chelea are def not hairy. I'm pretty sure this is the male post mortem.

Sadly, this was back in the day of dumpy digital cameras without good lighting OR macros. I'd be so thrilled to have the camera on my phone back then. I have a lot of shit pictures.

Edit: oh nope, I think that's the female post partem. The male is the last picture, back when he was alive. probably the best clear photo I have of him, or either of them really.