Even as a species native to the U.S., that species is hard to find, especially babies. I might try to get some and breed them, if it is important to others.
These are all CBB... Very easy to keep and breed... Babies a reared very easily on flightless fruit flies... Really cool species with a a very mild sting...
You can also feed them very young crickets and some young roaches as well.
Good luck and keep us updated on the brood! I'd be curious how you rear them and what kind of adult survival rate you have if you keep them all as well.
I've been breeding Centruroides guanensis, which are a very similar, possibly synonymous species for some time now and I've been feeding my instars baby lateralis roaches because they are less messy and are an easy to take down, larger meal. I originally started with Drosophilia melanogasters then hydei, but after some time I got tired of flipping cultures, so I started testing out lat nymphs and found they work great. I would try lats if you ever get tired of doing fruit flies.
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