I haven't visited your thread for a while, Cedrik, and boy oh boy your pictures are outstanding, your critters gorgeous, your dog is just totally awesome, and that spider mural (out of ceramic)....well....I'll be by to chisel it out for myself. EXCELLENT, excellent job. :drool: :clap: :drool: :clap:
This is a very bad day for me. I found a dead Poecilotheria infested of mite!!!! could'nt beleive it its the first time it happen to me and I did'nt see them coming, looking at this picture make me crazy
it happened with those container, as you can see the ventilation was CLEARLY not enough, and I still dont understand how I did'nt see those little * ... * coming ...
For those who grow their own cricket colony, I found something that they seem's to become totally crazy when they tuch it they start eating immediatly, even apple was'nt making that effect ... and this thing is extremly rich in nutriment, I suggest it.
Because they're very rich in nutriment, I dont see the point in giving unhealty cricket to my Ts, and those beans seem's very good.
Some ppl that do a lot of exercice eat this, I tought ... if its so good for us, I guess its not that bad for 'em, I gave a try with a cricket, and imediatly he started to eat.
I give some carots, some apple and a bottle with beans in the cricket tank, and with a regular rehousing and cleaning the cricket are very healty
nice ts kirdec! how big is that murinus sling? seems about a molt ahead of my twins
looks like your fasciata has a single lonely mite. :} was wondering the difference between the white and red ones? i have had mites on my ornata but they were white/gray colored. thanks.
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