Cecil the Lion

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
One point. America, and quite a bit of Europe, suffer from individual and collective affluenza. Seems an awful lot of the self righteous indignation and pointing fingers revolves around that. Do as we say, not as we do. And as many have pointed out, far more screaming and yelling comes down about human rights, the rights of the fetus, than after a person is born. Same goes for animals. A dentist does a screw up with a single animal and WHAM. A mega corporation sterilizes a few hundred square miles of ocean and it's the big shrug.

BU FILEA strongman in the third world offs a few thousand civilians and the public goes 'Where?'. A nut case offs a few people in a public venue and it's 'Off with his head!!'.

Let's face it. US, especially in America, are Pavlov's dogs, salivating on the righ of a bell. Thinking and acting as the press releases tell us. We're getting loads of distortions and half truths for covert agendas to come down on schedule.

I read something interesting the other day. We are getting all whipped up into a fervor over ISIS, right? RIGHT? And a little common sense and maybe a bit of research will tell you the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful. Well, the fact of the matter is, it is US that is the problem. Complacent, comfortable, spoon fed bullfeathers by the ton. Or with ISIS, same same. The majority of Muslims are complacent. It's the radicals not us, which is true. Well, cast your minds back to Germany circa 1930's. The vast majority of German people were peaceful, complacent. Went along with the crowd. It was just a small group of radicals that got the Hitler youth movement going. That ran the Third Reich.

Being complacent doesn't cut it. Accepting someone else's ideas of right and wrong just doesn't fly. You end up taking the moral low ground an awful lot of the time, unwilling to face the bare faced blatant fact we have seen the enemy and they are us. If we aren't taking a moral stand individually, the ones in charge will fly in the face of all logic, as global warming, and we placidly support them rather than upset our rose colored glasses apple carts.

Let's face up to facts. The dentist was something of an A-HOLE. Well, so are we. Our priorities are pure crap. We get bent out of shape over the trivial and ignore the bigger picture. We are getting the royal shaft and whether it is ISIS or $$$ in Washington, we are going along with the flow. A dentist took a single lions head. Last week Thailand over ruled the objections of the Cambodian Embassy and inspected a shipment of beans that turned out to be 700 elephant tusks.

Don't expect the law makers to straighten the mess out. They are, or have the potential to be the biggest criminals of them all. Here come the US elections!! Which toilet bowl would you like your head dipped in?

This psycho rant brought to you by a new brand of Nescafe. Pure caffeine with coffee flavoring?


Old Timer
Mar 1, 2004
I love fishing and throw back everything I catch.

People that hunt animals purely for trophies should be scooped up and hunted themselves. This lion killer is a perfect example of the type of person I consider to be genetic garbage.

There's nothing impressive to me about killing an animal just because one can, particularly when one uses technology, such as a gun, bow, helicopter etc.

I think people who get a rush about killing these "trophy" animals ought to hunt the most dangerous animal on Earth: man.