Can't tell if H. Lividum molted...

Red Eunice

Old Timer
Mar 2, 2014
@TeePete, since you state its female, don't worry about the molt. Old molts don't create health issues. Besides, if she decides, she'll remove it from the burrow.
Concur with Flexzone, appears to have molted. Fine looking lady!
Housing: I keep slings, .5"-.75"dls, in containers with 3" topsoil, lightly moistened. As they grow the sub is increased to accommodate their needs. The adults have no less than 12", some as much as 16". Do remember, H. lividum is a tropical species and the sub should be slightly moist most of the time, plus a water dish. For OBs, IME, deeper IS better!! Of the 17 species I keep, I've never had one chase, threat posture yes, most will bolt down the burrow.
@Chris LXXIX, yes even my Queens are cowardly, most of the time.;)