Can I feed my pet orb weaver other orb weavers as their only food?

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Like I said, I am pretty sure the OP was just trolling
Enter what I call the Lucifer principle. First, Lucifer, Latin, light bringer / bearer. That which gives contrast. AKA Prometheus. Gave the fire of mind, thinking ability, to humans. (Side swerve, what lovely irony. The great ultra evil in a certain religion; thinking for oneself. As in the song "Heaven is a place, a place where nothing, nothing ever happens.' Stasis. Entropy. No brains, no gains. Baaa go the sheep. Unswerve)
A troll enters our poofy cloud spider heaven. Regard the comments. A whole lot of deep thinking and differing viewpoints are expressed. Most recently @Kada gave a nice pragmatic take and @TheraMygalo added some practical philosophical advice and spice.
Not seeing any problems from my little pile of dirt.

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Arachnosupporter +
Mar 20, 2024
Enter what I call the Lucifer principle. First, Lucifer, Latin, light bringer / bearer. That which gives contrast. AKA Prometheus. Gave the fire of mind, thinking ability, to humans. (Side swerve, what lovely irony. The great ultra evil in a certain religion; thinking for oneself. As in the song "Heaven is a place, a place where nothing, nothing ever happens.' Stasis. Entropy. No brains, no gains. Baaa go the sheep. Unswerve)
A troll enters our poofy cloud spider heaven. Regard the comments. A whole lot of deep thinking and differing viewpoints are expressed. Most recently @Kada gave a nice pragmatic take and @TheraMygalo added some practical philosophical advice and spice.
Not seeing any problems from my little pile of dirt.

We are privilgied to have a somewhat civilised forum. Debate with class is prioritized over mob mentality and lapidation. Of course, it can happen.

But many members on our board seem to appreciate actualy chosing intelligent discussion, providing proof and or food for thought, over lapidation and name calling.

we also have so many localities, different languages. Many different moral backgrounds. Its good to consider different point of views, without having to agree.

if op is a troll, probably sure this thread didn’t turn out like the explosive swearing train it could have.

@CRX i do appreciate your spider senses on troll activity. When you bring it up, i always take this into consideration. I sometimes give to much the benefit of the doubt to new memebers that i have not read much about yet.


Old Timer
Dec 28, 2008
Sooo what's your concern? They'll die if you release them? Your feeding them off as is.
His concern is that hes trolling for engagement. Some stuff he said doesn't even make sense "3 jars of hatched spider eggs" Yeah okay buddy

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Can you don't?
(Off topic.) A truly fabulous 3 word sentence. Technically a horrible mangling of negative phraseology while at the same time germane, perfectly relevant, cogent and apropos.
If I ever hold English classes, <English, a misanthropically malignant form of various utterances gratuitously emulating communication>, you would be welcome to contribute.
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