Can I feed B. dubia THIS stuff???

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
I have a lot of uneaten sweets from christmas (got them against my will so to speak :D am not really into sweets anymore but some just don't seem to realize that) and they are a bit odd and some have ingredients that are a bit hard to describe but in general they contain chocolate, some fruit gelly kinda paste (of course packed with sugar) some bread like residue and marzipan

Could I toss them to my B. dubia (which hopefully arrive this week) or should I toss it in the bin?

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
HURRAY!!! Just got my 50 B.d.'s and despite the cold no DOA's!!!

roach dude

Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
Cirith Ungol said:
HURRAY!!! Just got my 50 B.d.'s and despite the cold no DOA's!!!
50!! wow thats alot r they for food?? :eek: :razz: on xmas i feed my g.portentose and b.giantinius some chocolate but they didnt like it much they ate it for a while but then left it.i wouldnt put it in coz u should realy feed them better stuff like fruit and dry doggy food the chocolate they might not like ;P ;P ;P ;P ;P ;P ;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
Yeah, I'm gonna invest big time in Tarantulas start this year and beginning with two fairly big ones (one is actually among the serious biggies) and they need their share of worldly wealth - in their case good food. So now I'm starting to breed them in time so have a nice quantity once I reach a serious number of Ts.

Ok about the sweets - was just curious because my impression was that they'd eat basically anything we humans eat - but I agree that I should give them better food than we eat ourselves... ;) I toss the stuff away then.......

roach dude

Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
u are soooooo luky im not alowwed to keep amnything more exotic than cockroaches it is soooo gay! i could get a realy good deal on a beardy from my m8 but ohh no my mum wont let me grrrr she realy ****** me off! :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

roach dude

Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
Cirith Ungol said:
Yeah, I'm gonna invest big time in Tarantulas start this year and beginning with two fairly big ones (one is actually among the serious biggies) and they need their share of worldly wealth - in their case good food. So now I'm starting to breed them in time so have a nice quantity once I reach a serious number of Ts.

Ok about the sweets - was just curious because my impression was that they'd eat basically anything we humans eat - but I agree that I should give them better food than we eat ourselves... ;) I toss the stuff away then.......
what types off T's are u getting???

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
Is that beardy like in dragon? Why would she allow you roaches but nothing else? That's tough! :eek: Have you tried with centepedes? I'm not into them myself but from what I understand they're quite cool (but I think some of them are a bit poisonous or something, even quite so from what I understand so not really the best of choices straight away! ...Actually I think I'll have to look into that subject myself... would be quite cool to have one of these (normal ones I mean, the nice sort)!

I'll be getting an L. parahybana, L. striatus and a B. emilia, just waiting for the weather to become a bit more invert friendly before they are shipped. Then I have a longish list of wanna hav's.

What are your mums reasons anyway if I may ask? Maybe you can cut a deal with her or summat, like in a few years (which sadly enough would be a few years away ;) ) that you could have something else? Otherwise there must surely be some other types of animals that you could have - there should be a very long list of very docile (and friendly looking) reptiles for example.

I might as well ask you this, instead of starting a new thread - do you know wether roaches absolutely prefer the dark or could they get used to being in the light a bit more? I am wondering because I have my B. dubia all stuffed into that unattractive plastic box next to my computer and I was thinking if I should move them a bit more into the limelight by putting them in an actual tank and rearing them there?!
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roach dude

Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
my mums reasons for not letting me keep any and i meen any sort off reptile is because she thinks it is crule i think im allowed most inverts maby not centipedes but i just dont have the money at them monment to get the animal food cages sub-strat ect...ect... but when im older and mmove out now thats a different matter i will have every reptile and invert and pet on the planet!!!! (not monkeys coz that IS crule).

i keep my cockroaches in the light just under my my window dont no weather it effects them breeding they seem to like it they just go under the log and toile tubes if they want some dark lol.

i have tried asking my mum 4 lots off thing leopard gekos,corn snakes, T's ,most thing but its all no!! no!! no!!and then she just gets eggy!!! (yes it was bearded dragons by the way lol!!) i think leopard gekos are kinda cute but i dont know y she dosent let me have 1 !!! it does my head in!!! :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: you arre soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lucky you dont no how lucky you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(lol)
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roach dude

Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
I think they're not gonna be bigger than the palm of my hand when I get them - but I don't really know about the parahybana, they are said to be extremely fast growers and by the time I get it it will probs we about a year old. So who knows, it might even be about half as much bigger than I expected ;)

I don't know about corns, my two seem pretty happy in their tank but I don't know - nobody has ever read their minds. Experienced people tho say as long as the tank is about the length of their body they are fine. Problem you might have with that, is that THAT can be quite a lot of tank since a lone female or a male can reach up to 5ft! My male is that long and the female is about 3-4ft (since she has always layed eggs she doesn't eat as much (because of pregnancy they stop eating for a while) as the male and thus can't grow as fast). The problem about the big tank is ofcourse money! You could tho buy it second hand I guess or maybe build it yourself with a little help. That would come a bit cheaper.

About the roaches - how many do you have anyway? How often do you have to change/clean the substrate? Because I am thinking of seriously breeding those things and it might not be practical to have them in a normal setup with substrate and all the other fancy stuff.

Be careful about full sunlight on your roaches a sunny day. If your unlucky the tank will get pretty hot! Have had some animals cooked that way a few years back :mad:

How long have you had your roaches? If she sees that you really take extremely good care of them, maybe she will change her attitude one day. She might learn that you are responsible enough to take care of other animals too?

Well, let's hope for that! ;)

Oh - just thaught of another thing. Got min roachers (as you know) a few days ago. I've put vegetables and other stuff in with them every day now, but they don't really seem to eat it at all? Wassup? Didn't even touch the orange slice I put in there and these greens and oranges are their only water source. I've heard that they get all they need from those veggies and fruit so why don't they seem to eat it? How much and how often do yours eat? I expected mine to be some kind of food monsters, but they seem to be quite happy starving? :? At least it seems so to me. I know they've been nibbling on some cat food but that doesn't have much moist!


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2003
my dubias have hides (cork pads for houseplants on bolts to keep them spread and papertowel centers), stay in the dark, kept warm, a water dish, and only about .25-.50 inch of aspen mostly for the nymphs. I feed only fruits and vegetables (no proteins). They really didn't seem to eat much when I only had 50 but now with 400+ the food goes alot faster.

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
Thanks a lot, feel kinda relieved knowing they don't eat much... as I said, I expected a "them eating my hand when reaching inside" kinda thing!

roach dude

Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
i have had mine for about 4 months now i didnt realy buy them to breed so i only got 8 lol!!!! 4 blaberus giantinus and 4 g.portentosa, i got them in with a log and some toilet roll iner bits.mine hardly ever eat but one thing they do love is banana but it goes moldy pretty fast but while it is not moldy they love it lol! if my roaches cook (hopefully they wont) i will eat them lol!!! (not realy) i try to take good care off my roaches dont realy no if they like it or not (dont talk to them much lol!)i hardly ever clean them out i domnt think that they need it unltill it get too bad.instead off starting another thread can i ask you this "can roaches eat moldy food of do i have to change it when it get mouldy?? coz that is what i do now????????
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Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
I don't think mouldy food is good for them to be honest. Mould can in some cases be rather toxic and maybe even spread to the animals you are keeping. That depends on the type of mould you get tho and I am no expert on mould. So to be on the safe side I would suggest to take it out even before it gets mouldy. Replace the food a day before it usually gets mouldy, then you and the roaches should be happy. Have you ever tried with strawberries? I threw in a handfull of different stuff, amongst that dried pieces of strawberry and my dubia went for that straight away. I think I'll have to try fresh strawberry at some point. But I guess that get's mouldy pretty fast too.
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roach dude

Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
no i havent tried stawbery yet the roaches will most probally like it and i might not go mouldy fast coz it is quite sweet but im no expert lol!dried stawberry i never tried that befor had dried banana it is mank!!!

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
Today I've gone to buy a few fruits for them to try out. Banana & kiwi!

I sliced summin up and put in with them and quite emediatly the banana started calling to the roaches!! Thanks for the tip mate! Anyhow - they didn't seem to like the kiwi too much, at least for now but I'm gonna wait and try a couple more times, maybe they like it in the end.

BUT, here comes the thing - what the roaches seemed to have eaten off the banana is the most curious thing I've noticed about them so far - because they have seemed to only have eaten the seeds of it (the little black dots!) and only the ones that were on the surface of the banana!! Do yours do the same thing or do they eat the rest of it too?? If THAT is what my dubia like about a banana then I guess I'll have to do quite a lot of banana surgery in the future, trying to squeeze out as much of the seeds as possible to get them eat more of it. And another curious thing is that for now I've only seen adult males on the banana. But I guess all my observations don't mean much for now, since I've only had the banana in there for 2 hours and I'll obviously not be able to observe them in the middle of the night to see what kinds of roaches go for it... but any observations you might have done that have to do with feeding - I hope you tell me about them.


Old Timer
Apr 16, 2003
When I feed my roaches I feed them one thing at a time.That way they don't seem to be so fussy and only eat what they want.Every other day a different fruit or vegetable.They all seem to like kiwi and banana...skins,seed..everything.I feed them quite a variety potato..spinach..

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
Thanks for the food list pelo! Do you normally remove the skin of the banana or kiwi or other? Because I wonder if there might be any pestisides on the skins of any of those!

roach dude

Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
my roachs eat all the banana and yes i only rarely see my female b.giantinius on the banana the male likes it thought the females seem to like the doggy food more lol.

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
Ok. I've now seen that what my dubia eat comes and goes in waves as long as it is fruit. They don't seem to like cat food at all.