Can cherry shrimp live in small aquariums without filters, air pumps, or heaters? Information on keeping cherry shrimp needed.


Mar 20, 2022
I have kept/bred them at room temperature in an unheated, filter less aquarium. I've had hundreds in a 10 gallon.

The important thing here is that while they have a low bioload and don't require much swimming space, they still need good water quality. Make sure you have a cycled tank with lots of plants for the babies to hide in. Java ferns and Java moss work great since they have low light requirements and don't need CO2 equipment.

If you want a self sustaining population though, 1 gallon might be a bit small. It will keep a couple shrimp happy for sure, but I have never started a colony in anything smaller than 5g. Maybe someone with more shrimp birding experience can say otherwise.
I certainly didn't intend on keeping a big colony of cherry shrimp. The smallest successful breeding colony is all I'm interested in.
All of this also applies to trumpet snails?
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Aug 10, 2023
5-6 shrimp are usually enough to start a breeding colony. That should fit in a 1 gallon, as long as you have a ton of plants

All of this also applies to trumpet snails?
Never kept trumpet snails, but the bigger problem would probably be to stop the snails from breeding too much!