Cameroon Baboon Female


Dec 25, 2014
I'm not sure what "Cameroon baboon" exactly is, aside for a genus Hysterocrates one, not even mention that that genus should be re-named "Messerocrates" but anyway, great choice as first Theraphosidae :kiss:


Oct 4, 2016
^^ I have three H. Gigas: Curly, Larry and Moe :) They are about 2" and have all molted in the last month. Unfortunately, they are just containers of dirt 99.9% of the time. I hope they come out or do something more interesting once they are bigger.

Make sure she has a bunch of room to burrow and keep the substrate moist.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Terrible decision for a first t...just terrible. Theres 100s of NW species that are better choices in every way.


Jun 12, 2016
I gotta agree with @cold blood. I have an H gigas and she's great, but as a first T, not so much. Mine was my first OW if I remember correctly. They are a pet hole and you'll rarely if ever see her. Keep the substrate moist or she'll likely die. I keep a big water dish for her to climb in as they have been known to enjoy water.


Sep 24, 2015
if youre not a troll, you should really reconsider. theres a ton of much nicer looking, and tolerant spiders that wont hide all the time.


Jan 12, 2016
I think @Chris LXXIX was having a bit of his sadistic humor...:D

Not a good first tarantula. But i think OP already knows this, given his assertive sentence. If not, i hope you'll reconsider OP. From what I've seen and read, these are sensitive to their surroundings, quite temperamental, and fast, despite their bulky figure. OW venom, another trait which makes this species unsuitable for a new keeper.


May 11, 2016
I have two gigas and a wc cameroon, the gigas are pet holes, the cameroon is a threat throwing charging venom dripping evil witch.
The venom is supposed to be on the nasty end too.

** on the plus side, cameroon will go for swims in a pond if you provide one(she goes underwater a lot) , my gigas dont really bother.


Dec 25, 2014
What's the problem with (quote) "spiders that wont hide all the time", one moment? Maybe Christian1971, just like me, enjoy to keep and loves OB (obligate burrowers) Theraphosidae. That's not something to add to the (virtual) "cons" list of a Theraphosidae: that's just their nature... only a mere 'hate or love' issue and nothing else. Who said in the first place that "best display Theraphosidae" are better than 'pet holes'? It always depends.

Btw dislike/disagree my comment as you want, but I'm tired to tell to (supposed) adult/s people what they should, or shouldn't, get. His money, his choice... issue I don't give a damn about, in all honesty, saying with all the respect and all for Christian1971.

G. pulchra

Old Timer
Jun 7, 2005
What's the problem with (quote) "spiders that wont hide all the time", one moment? Maybe Christian1971, just like me, enjoy to keep and loves OB (obligate burrowers) Theraphosidae. That's not something to add to the (virtual) "cons" list of a Theraphosidae: that's just their nature... only a mere 'hate or love' issue and nothing else. Who said in the first place that "best display Theraphosidae" are better than 'pet holes'? It always depends.

Btw dislike/disagree my comment as you want, but I'm tired to tell to (supposed) adult/s people what they should, or shouldn't, get. His money, his choice... issue I don't give a damn about, in all honesty, saying with all the respect and all for Christian1971.
I have to agree with you..... There is no right or wrong here, just different degrees of difficulty.


Jan 12, 2016
What's the problem with (quote) "spiders that wont hide all I he time", one moment? Maybe Christian1971, just like me, enjoy to keep and loves OB (obligate burrowers) Theraphosidae. That's not something to add to the (virtual) "cons" list of a Theraphosidae: that's just their nature... only a mere 'hate or love' issue and nothing else. Who said in the first place that "best display Theraphosidae" are better than 'pet holes'? It always depends.

Btw dislike/disagree my comment as you want, but I'm tired to tell to (supposed) adult/s people what they should, or shouldn't, get. His money, his choice... issue I don't give a damn about, in all honesty, saying with all the respect and all for Christian1971.
I understand what you are saying, and to a certain degree agreeing
with you. But. (There's always a but...)
But what happens when he comes home, tries to house the T, and discovers it is faster and meaner than he anticipates? He gets bitten, or gets scared the crap out of it, so returns or sells the spider immediately, and decides T-keeping is not for him? The hobby loses a potential keeper/breeder, because he got in over his head.

Of course, that chance always exist, even when you start with more easily kept spiders. But maybe if OP starts 'slow', he'll learn how to deal with fast movement, and general T care, building his experience more and more, and only then gets into more difficult species. He might become a breeder. Maybe a good one, an asset to the hobby.
It would be a shame if a potential keeper breeder gets scared off because he couldn't manage the angry OW he wanted so badly.

This is of course my point of view,seen from my perspective. I would like to help make the first experience of keeping a tarantula a good one for this person.

Americans have another reason for jumping in when someone is reaching beyond what is considered safe for new keepers. They have to deal with hysterical politicians and legislation,who would love to jump in on a person getting bit, and seize the opportunity to create a good vision of themselves for the public, of them 'protecting the innocent' from the big bad exotics.

G. pulchra

Old Timer
Jun 7, 2005
When I first started there were no forums to help me out and I did just fine, I've never been bit. At that time we all learned via word of mouth (we even used telephones to talk) and shared experiences that way. Today's culture is too much of a "nanny" state, there is something to be said for blazing your own trail and learning via experience.


Dec 25, 2014
I understand what you are saying, and to a certain degree agreeing
with you. But. (There's always a but...)
But what happens when he comes home, tries to house the T, and discovers it is faster and meaner than he anticipates? He gets bitten, or gets scared the crap out of it, so returns or sells the spider immediately, and decides T-keeping is not for him? The hobby loses a potential keeper/breeder, because he got in over his head.

Of course, that chance always exist, even when you start with more easily kept spiders. But maybe if OP starts 'slow', he'll learn how to deal with fast movement, and general T care, building his experience more and more, and only then gets into more difficult species. He might become a breeder. Maybe a good one, an asset to the hobby.
It would be a shame if a potential keeper breeder gets scared off because he couldn't manage the angry OW he wanted so badly.

This is of course my point of view,seen from my perspective. I would like to help make the first experience of keeping a tarantula a good one for this person.

Americans have another reason for jumping in when someone is reaching beyond what is considered safe for new keepers. They have to deal with hysterical politicians and legislation,who would love to jump in on a person getting bit, and seize the opportunity to create a good vision of themselves for the public, of them 'protecting the innocent' from the big bad exotics.
Americans, you say? As far as I know T's are not allowed/banned or what else only in Connecticut. No one, on the other hand, unlike me, knows how for real crappy is to live in a nation were arachnids were banned, it doesn't matter too much the stupid/silly statements that made such a law possible. Happened in 2003. No one know better than me.

Just like I know that I know NOTHING about Christian1971: we are on the Internet, therefore he (she? Who knows) could be a 15 years brat not even aware of what the molt process is. But he could be as well an adult man with 8 years than me, that maybe, no matter if this would be his first one, had experience prior.

Example: I've never owned a genus Poecilotheria in 25 years... but no one, so far, questioned my advices I given here for that genus, because I worked (maintenance, re-house etc) with friends 'Pokies' in the past, and this the main reason why I don't like too much (aside for striking colors) those "sissy" run & hide T's :-s

I know nothing about the OP, as I've said, and we aren't living in those years anymore where knowledge wasn't at hand. Today everyone is connected, a quick 'Google' search never harmed no one, therefore it's easy to spot that they aren't, indeed, best first T's. But I don't know him, so I have to give the benefit of the doubt to him :)


Oct 4, 2016
^^^ I'm sure the op looked up all the proper care and also saw that these are not docile t's. That said, I bet they dont get any others out of boredom. You can show off the box of dirt with a hole to all your friends :)


Jan 12, 2016
Americans, you say? As far as I know T's are not allowed/banned or what else only in Connecticut. No one, on the other hand, unlike me, knows how for real crappy is to live in a nation were arachnids were banned, it doesn't matter too much the stupid/silly statements that made such a law possible. Happened in 2003. No one know better than me.

Just like I know that I know NOTHING about Christian1971: we are on the Internet, therefore he (she? Who knows) could be a 15 years brat not even aware of what the molt process is. But he could be as well an adult man with 8 years than me, that maybe, no matter if this would be his first one, had experience prior.

Example: I've never owned a genus Poecilotheria in 25 years... but no one, so far, questioned my advices I given here for that genus, because I worked (maintenance, re-house etc) with friends 'Pokies' in the past, and this the main reason why I don't like too much (aside for striking colors) those "sissy" run & hide T's :-s

I know nothing about the OP, as I've said, and we aren't living in those years anymore where knowledge wasn't at hand. Today everyone is connected, a quick 'Google' search not harmed no one, therefore it's easy to spot that they aren't, indeed, best first T's. But I don't know him, so I give the benefit of the doubt :)
I never meant to imply you don't know about stupid politicians, I know they hit the hobby hard over there.
It's true we know nothing about OP. That can work both ways though, giving him the benefit of the doubt, or try to make sure he knows what he's getting himself into.

I think he is laughing his ass off over there in Connecticut, seeing the replies popping up. ;)

G. pulchra

Old Timer
Jun 7, 2005
^^^ I'm sure the op looked up all the proper care and also saw that these are not docile t's. That said, I bet they dont get any others out of boredom. You can show off the box of dirt with a hole to all your friends :)
There is so much wrong with this post.... Tell us more please, especially about the personal likes of all of us "rookie" owners who keep T's that spend the majority of time underground or hidden.


Oct 4, 2016
There is so much wrong with this post.... Tell us more please, especially about the personal likes of all of us "rookie" owners who keep T's that spend the majority of time underground or hidden.
What??? Xmas go relax.