Calling out the USDA


Old Timer
Dec 29, 2002
hmm i believe it was the very same organization that imported the fire ants to combat another pest wasnt it? Dumb Dumb Dumb. Who ever it was that thought that was a good idea should be drawn and quartered or fed to the fire ants
I hate fire ants.......
Not to be a pain, or get off topic, but do you have a source for this accusation? I apoligize, but it sounds like the agricultural version of an urban legend to me? As far as I know (and i work in the field of urban entomology) Solenopsis invicta or the "red imported fire ant" was by no means introduced on purpose. However I don't mind being enlightened.


Old Timer
Jan 23, 2006
just what the cotton farmers back home told me. They were raising cotton in the 20s-30s and said that they brought in some ants from south america that would eliminate the bowl weevil. they said that it was good news to them , and now they wish that never happened. Its intresting that that isnt mentioned anymore but they do state in several places that they are good for that ...Maybe it never happened that way , but it is something the USDA would do. I trust them almost as much as the EPA or any other govt organization ... We are from the government , we are here to help you is always a lie.
besides you cant make an accusation by asking a question.