Nice drawing morda, I think if you lengthened the legs from the patella down on the next drawings you'll get more of a foreshortened look. Definitely loos like an C. fimbriatus to me though.
i did a T image in art class myself, a colored pencil homage to one of GoTerps' metallica pics. it's no match compared to the original, though, and it may take a while to get it back.
A picture sequence of a black widow I found in my window. I completely set this up. I let the little guy make a web in a clear vial, used a green cup for background going for the Nuclear idea. I used a 300 mm telephotolens with Macro filter adapter and portrait lens taped to the front for further magnification... the last picture was zoomed in so far that there was no focusing Everything was blured out.. but I used long exposure and small aperture to bring it into focus. selected focus level by making the crossing point of the dark lines (dark lines-legs crossing point spider body) as least fuzzy as I could. released the shutter and left the room for a minute. trying to be comically scary.
wow awesome frawings people.brigebane nice work man!some of those scorpion balck and whites are dope.would make an awesome tatoo.will you draw some pokies?
swade655, your latest scribble was 2004? That's a while ago! Hope you've been drawing since. Your drawing is very good! What species is that? (Still working on my i.d. skills )
Philth- that beetle's HOT
All I've got to show right now is a scorpion I painted in primer on my bedroom wall weeks ago. Do strange things when I'm down. I know it ain't perfect- I didn't sketch it out first, just free-painted. Working at that scale is very different from working on paper!
It looks cool with just my bedside lamp on. Like it's being projected onto the wall.
Ignore the nasty pale lilac wall color that I detest more each day :evil: That will change. Scorp will get painted over unfortunately, but then I can do something new. *sigh* Hate those cracks and bumps too, but that's plaster for you. :wall:
And I don't own any scorpions (yet). Just really like 'em.
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