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Calisoga longitarsis


Old Timer
Jun 12, 2006
i got a MM yesterday afternoon, introduced him to my female.
there was a lot of tapping on his part on her web, very different from a tarantula (almost like he was plucking guitar strings) and weird leg lift motions. the female slowly came out of her burrow and he immediately went for it once she was out.

mating was very typical (at least compared to tarantulas) and lasted about 4 minutes. i thought the female was going to grab him and bite down at one point, she is huge compared to him so easily could have but she didn't. the male unhooked and booked it out of there and the female went back into her retreat.

im going to feed the male this afternoon and wait to see if he builds a sperm web or does anything like that, im *assuming* they do that, but i may be wrong, cant find much info about their breeding habits. he will be introduced to the female as soon i see something done on his part, i will get some pics of attempt number two and keep you all updated if i get a sac or not :D


Old Timer
Jan 18, 2008
i have bred calisoga longitarsus a couple times this year as well as calisoga theveneti. ive had very good results from the breeding... as in, no males were chomped. all of my breedings lasted for at least 15 minutes however. one lasted almost a half hour. they do build a sperm web to recharge. it is quite interesting actually. the male will hold the sperm just under his chelicerae and he stabbs the sperm packet with his palps back and forth. it looks very strange. good luck with your breeding. i hope you get something out of it. take care
