For number of years now i have kept many different species of Ts and purchased crix from the local petstore to use as feeders, I used crystal water and Flukers premium cricket gut-loader (the one with HIGH CALCIUM description on it) to feed and gut load my crix. Oblivious of the rumors that calcium can cause bad molts, i used it simply because when i was starting out in the hobby and was clueless to how much crix actually eat bought two large jars of it and i wasn't going to throw it away just because it >>MIGHT<<
cause problems. As soon as i found out that calcium may be potentially dangerous to the Ts i thought to myself "Thats absured! Any insect in nature is bound to consume some calcium sooner or later! Infact some tarantulas are more than capable of taking down bigger pray like mice and in cases of largest of Ts like T.blondi and L.parahybana even small snakes and lizards bigger in size than the tarantulas themselves."
Since then i have not stopped trying to get rid of the fluke's high-calcium cricket diet by feeding it off to my crix and even my B. Dubias that i have recently purchased from the North Berks Reptile show on Dec 4th since i was getting sick of buying crix all the time. Having said that NONE of my Tarantulas had any problems molting not even a stuck limb or the dreaded wet molt and cysts. Some of them like my Rosie, Pulchra and L.Parahybana even went through multiple molts and are healthy and are always hungry for anything that moves!
Just my story about calcium sorry if i wrote a book.
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