C. fasciatum egg sack questions


Old Timer
Apr 9, 2007
i just got a pair of females and my male just molted out mature. i was gonna wait about a month to start pairing them up but i noticed one of my females never came out of her hide, no big deal .2 days ago i found her digging holes every where in her 5 gallon tank and noticed she was huge she looked about to pop... i knew the crickets she got could not have done that but thought no way could i be lucky enough to get a gravid female. just incase i papered up her cage gave her fresh water a couple crickets and moved her to a darker quieter room away from my others.that was 2 days ago i just checked her and i just barely see her through her web and sure enough shes hovering over a sack :)

i have no idea if she was wild caught or captive bred i have yet to hear back from the person i got it from so my question is how often have you seen a female lay a sack without any attempt at mateing.

also i admit i havent done my home work on C. fasciatum yet so any tips. from those of you who have had sacks would be a great help. when to pull it. temps & humidity any info you have gathered from sack to their first meal
this is my first sack and was hoping to be a lil more prepared :eek:


Old Timer
Apr 15, 2007
i have absolutely zero information on C. fasciatum and no experience with breeding or egg sacs of any kind at this point. i just wanted to say major congrats!!! {D That is awesome. i knew you wanted to start breeding. What an awesome way to start! i imagine you will still have plenty of time to do some research and prepare. i don't know if the T breeding forum has any threads on that species but you may want to check and even PM those that were successful. Congrats and keep us up to date! jules
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Old Timer
Jun 20, 2004

First of all, You should go with the sure of both, male and female, are the same species...
Just after that You should go breeding them...
Good luck! This species is really one of defficult to breed, but possible.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
I will have to disagree, this species is one of the easier to breed. Once you mate you can expect a sac in 4-6 weeks, no cooling period needed.
In your cause since you never mated them, if you cant find out if she is WC then assume you have a good sac. Let her keep it if you want, but if you have done any breeding before you can use a hammock around day 35, even then when you open it you may find 1st instar. If it makes it that far, cause there is a good chance its not fertile, but treat it as fertile till you know otherwise.
I have had a few double clutch for me as well. The hardest part about this species is finding a male when you need him. As long as the female is well fed the mating should be easy as well. Males are fast but I am sure you know that already. {D You still have that one unbred female so feed her well and attempt to breed her. Congrats on the sac, it may not be good but it lets you know you are keeping them in good conditions.
Keep us updated!
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Old Timer
Jun 20, 2004

I do not want to tell that You're not right, but all this is the questional in what the exact species You have reffered to as "Cyclosternum fasciatum"...


Old Timer
Apr 9, 2007
update on the eggsack i pulled and opened it today looked to be about 300 or so eggs 5 dried ones and none showed any signs of devolpment so i think its a dud :( how long should i wait to introduce my male? or you all think i should retire him and wait till her next molt?or give it a shot?

my other female that has been coinhabiting with my mm since 6/23 started digging 2 days ago so i pulled him and sure enough she droped a sack this morning i think this one has a good chance of being good i saw lots of good pairings


Old Timer
Apr 9, 2007
lol no its still a bit early i think but even at 25 days i thought id see something but nada they look freshly laid

you have gotten sacks out of them right? how long would you wait befor pairing her up her ?


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
You might have to wait to pair her till after her next molt. You can try but she might make a snack out of the male.

With those eggs get them into a coffee filter, set the filter into a deli container, set the deli into container that has wet paper towels in it, then close a lid over them, rotating the un developed eggs is easy, twice a day pick up the container and give it a gently circular motion. If they are good eggs this will give you the best chance possible at getting them to the next stage.

Here is my setup for un developed eggs.