C. crawshayi female in trouble?


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
I have a question for you guys who have king baboons and bird eaters that have all this problems.....Is it really worth going through all these issues of teeth breaking during molts and one guy's Tarantulad had what i think was close to a rupture abdomen?

Its like every time i read something like this about these kinds of T's its usually another molt issue or T just comes up with an injury thats hard to explain how it got there to begin with or even what it is...

Cause I'm thinking about getting a Citharischius crawshayi but I really don't want to deal with all these issues...should i be worried? or am I over reacting and its ok to get one of these T's


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Yes its worth is. My little guy was bought 4 years ago as a sling. I dont see him much but its great when I do.......

I dont think they have as many issues as you think. You are just hearing about them because this is the place to bring up problems and ask for solutions. Most people if they take proper care of them wont have a problem like this. I'd say at some point everyone should try a baboon.

They are great eaters.(slow growers) I think I might have only seen his front 4 legs for the last year or so but hey just means he likes the burrow and couldent be happier.

In this case with it out in the open it suggests to me that its unhappy in some way with its conditions. I would soak one side of the tank, make sure the water dish is full, put her somewhere dark and cross your fingers. It most definatly needs a molt!

She could pass from old age as well. She does look like shes a much older girl.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
yeah,kings are definitly a must have (i have 4 adults) i keep them semi moist conditions and have never had any problems,but things do happen,hope that female makes it.