business or hobby?


Jun 29, 2003
i've tried snakes, all the local fish store fish, lizards, and have had success, but didnt get too successful at making them a business. i wanted to try breeding arachnids now. any opinions as to what to start with? i want somthing thats low maintenance, semi-easy to breed, and somthing i can sell to stores and wholesalers easily and hopefully make a profit. i know most of you do it for the love of the hobby, but for me making it a business always helped me to cut costs and daydream about my one day very successful breeding business like i'm sure youve all at least dreampt of once even though you dont pursue it whole heartedly. oh yeah and will i have a problem with escapees in a fish tank? can they scale the silicone caulking or glass?
later bug lovers;P


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
Hobby... You can think of it as that, with you are trying to make a little off of it, and if things work out for you it might become a business. That way you won't bee too disappointed if things don't work. There are several "easy" to breed Ts, but they rarely make eggsacs. G.rosea and A.seemanni are both good examples that... Curly hairs and Pink zebra beauties are easy and do tend to be successful, often having 800-1000 slings in one sac.

And Ts can climb glass without any problems, but as long as you have the substate up high enough where thay can touch the top with one leg and the ground with another chances are they won't have a fall that will be bad for them


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
Originally posted by kingofkenyi
i've tried snakes, all the local fish store fish, lizards, and have had success, but didnt get too successful at making them a business. i wanted to try breeding arachnids now. any opinions as to what to start with? i want somthing thats low maintenance, semi-easy to breed, and somthing i can sell to stores and wholesalers easily and hopefully make a profit. i know most of you do it for the love of the hobby, but for me making it a business always helped me to cut costs and daydream about my one day very successful breeding business like i'm sure youve all at least dreampt of once even though you dont pursue it whole heartedly. oh yeah and will i have a problem with escapees in a fish tank? can they scale the silicone caulking or glass?
later bug lovers;P
if you are looking for easy money, I can tell you right now to start looking elsewhere..........I can't speak (or write) for every one who has bred tarantulas but the success ratio is around 10 to 20% for successful hatching of spiderlings. some are easier to breed and get a successful eggsack than others.


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2003
yeah you wouldn't be able to make any money anyway. by the time you factor in the vials for each sling, getting small prey items, just the time and effort into feeding and keeping the vial moist, plus it would be extremely hard to sell something like a rose hair, when stores can get adults for like 5 dollars then they will probably only pay you one or two for a sling. and they probably wouldn't buy more than three slings at most. you can try selling them online but there are allready a lot of people doing that and chances are you would have to try to sell the lot to someone for way less then what you put into it.


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2002
I think you have to really LOVE the hobby to get to the point where you would make any money at it. You would have to have a large collection because it isn't all the easy to come up with breeding pairs , having a successful breeding and rearing the clutch. You really would have to put a lot of hours in caring for and looking after all of the spiders. If you didn't have a love for the hobby, it would be hard to devote the time and effort needed to successfully breed.



Old Timer
Jun 18, 2003
Originally posted by kingofkenyi
i've tried snakes, all the local fish store fish, lizards, and have had success, but didnt get too successful at making them a business. i wanted to try breeding arachnids now. any opinions as to what to start with? i want somthing thats low maintenance, semi-easy to breed, and somthing i can sell to stores and wholesalers easily and hopefully make a profit. i know most of you do it for the love of the hobby, but for me making it a business always helped me to cut costs and daydream about my one day very successful breeding business like i'm sure youve all at least dreampt of once even though you dont pursue it whole heartedly. oh yeah and will i have a problem with escapees in a fish tank? can they scale the silicone caulking or glass?
later bug lovers;P
I think if making a profit is your number one priority in starting a business, you need to rethink your plans. Most people who breed and sell critters do so because they are enthusiastic about the critters they are raising. They are concerned about the well-being of the animals they have been raising and are very careful about who gets their animals. I doubt any of the reputable arachnid breeders who care about their animals would be looking to sell to petstores in order to make a few bucks, especially if that petstore is known t be abusive to arachnids.

There are other non-animal selling businesses you may want to consider. :)



Celestial Spider
Old Timer
Feb 13, 2003
.....There are other non-animal selling businesses you may want to consider:D ........
I'll have to agree with the above statements too:p


Old Timer
Feb 10, 2003
As far as breeding goes, do it for the love or don't do it at all. Very little profit is to be made breeding ANY animal. We bred and showed Arabian horses for many years and there is a common saying in the horse crowd. It goes........"What's the best way to make a million dollars in the horse business? Start with 2 million dollars."