Burst abdomen


Jun 2, 2016
From what I’m reading he’s into exotic animals for the image and wow factor he thinks he’ll get from people; there’s no connection to the animals. Until he figures out why he so desperately needs to seek approval from his peers this will sadly be an ongoing trend.


Arachnosupporter +
Jan 17, 2020
Sorry for your loss, hopefully you’ll do your best to avoid this ever happening again.


Jun 3, 2019
I don't like assuming things and I can't guarantee that it will happen but from my experience he will get too used to you before long and the animal abuse will transform into an abusive household as well.

Apologies on your T. Can only wish the next time it's the idiot keeper that falls on his head instead of the T.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
My tarantula fell and burst its abdomen extremely bad this was about an hour ago I put its butt in a bottle cap with petroleum jelly not a lot so when it moved it drags a bottle cap around but it’s not bleeding anymore, she’s in a stressed out stance her legs aren’t curled I don’t actually know what to do I just know petroleum is like a barricade
This T will die, and PJ will likely speed up its death.

It’s a shame your T will die for you to learn.

Btw get rid of your BF he is immature at best and not worth your time. A lot of people waste time with idiots that have no regard for their partner. Don’t be that next person!


Aug 22, 2020
It’s stripped leg I think he died I haven’t seen him move in a while it’s abdomen was completely split in half I wasn’t the one trying to handle him my boyfriend got excited over having him and he kept picking it up and showing it to everyone since I’m a girl he doesn’t listen to anything I say or recommend he hasn’t even set up the cage at this point I told him no heat lamp (we live in south Florida, he said it’s his and that’s what he wants to do.. he’s basically been carrying it around for hours at this point and I just wanted him to leave it alone we just got it today but “it’s mine I bought it” he blames me when he tried handing it to me after running around and he just bolted 4 ft in the air, tile floor like a zipper it opened.. tried petroleum flour and tried containing it 😢 the level of anxiety I had trying to help him Idk but he keeps pointing the fingers at me like I’m a tarantula expert he wants to get another one.
Leave your boyfriend. For you and your child's sake. I speak from experience. You'll be so much happier.


Jul 24, 2020
I dont know you personally to judge you and your bf. But everyone should find their happiness, in many form. Just live a life that you wont regret. You are 22, your life is just starting. Follow your heart and be happy. For T keeping, follow the advise given here. Collective wisdom helps plenty


Feb 23, 2013
It's hard..... This thread has turned into another topic..

Sorry for your loss. and to be honest, i dont know you or your boyfriend... but as a father of a 19 year old girl.... man.... it's so hard to guide these kids... if your boyfriend is anything like my kid's boyfriend (her God, her leader) then only time and experience with him will show how unqualified of a parent and husband he is...

my child is actually not my bio child.. but i took her in when she was 8 and I love her with allllll my heart. And from what my wife tells me... she sounded a lot like yourself at your age. In fact, my wife got pregnant at your age out of wedlock. The worst thing a couple can do is have a child before you commit to one another.. why??? cuz you still dont know each other well enough yet. Time together before the pregnancy does not apply either why? cuz simply because you don't fully know yourselves still.. you guys are still growing and there is much still left to learn about this life God gave us. For scientific measure, I dare you to google when your brain is fully developed.... your prefrontal cortex that manages a great deal of things is not 100% until your in your mid/late 20s. So in a nutshell, you both have a lot of growing up to do. But this is all a learning experience, and im not just talking about caring for T's but Im talking mostly about life in general. I hope the best for you guys and I pray he's nothing like my daughter's boyfriend. If he is, (which ill never know)...... one piece of advice i can give you is......LEAVE HIM.

But i know you wont listen to any of us... even if we were certified relationship experts, you still wont listen to us... WHY?
1. you have a child with him
2. EVERYONE at your age thinks they know better or thinks nobody understands "US"

I know i used to think this way... until i got burned and left for dead. NOT SAYING THIS WILL HAPPEN TO YOU. but it just shows that when we are young, most of us make mistakes. I guess we just have to go through our own personal hell in order to become strong and wise older adults.

But God has given you a gift of free will... will you make the wise choice and listen to others? ( not on this board cuz we really dont know him ) but if you find that your loved ones are saying negative things about him... i would strongly consider their reasons and make the right call before you experience hell on earth.

sorry... im not trying to judge you... or tell you what to do... im just speaking the truth to you with experience. I've seen, done, and been through a lot than the average American... and trust me... Life as a whole is not friendly like it seems.

God bless you. I hope things will turn out better for you.
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Arachnosupporter +
Aug 31, 2012

Sorry to hear about your spider. If you do get another one in the future try to think of it like fish. Beautiful to observe but not to handle. It will avoid similar tragedies in the future.
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Aug 8, 2020
Really sorry to hear about your T. It is never a good feeling when seeing something die when you try everything you can to help it. You even came onto a forum and asked for help. Not many folks would have that done and just would have wrote it off. Be proud of your efforts.

You sound like a good person but the bf as others have mentioned, well he sees things as possessions and something to get attention. People like that tend to end up going through life that way and often even see other people like the things they own at times. Nothing you can do can change that but only self reflection on his part but that is not something you can do for him. Just keep this in mind, if I was describing a gf/wife with the same personality as your bf, what would you tell me? And if you response is similar to what others have mentioned, you know what is best for YOU.

I hope you stick around though. There are lots of good and interesting folks around here and if you do like T's, you might get another one and serve as another ambassador to the public on how to care for these beautiful creatures. The world needs caring folks such as yourself.


Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
Moderator note: Let's try to stay on topic instead of getting into tangents about relationship advice.

Baby T

Dec 7, 2018
Sorry about your T... I've never been in the situation of having an injury happen like this, but there's obviously the best advice on here on what to do. Doesn't sound like it's gonna survive. Do you have updates?
I'm sure you're really upset by what's happened, don't let it deter you from keeping again, but maybe when you have a more secure environment for it to live in.
I don't know how it works in the States but from what you've described I'd be reporting your boyfriend for animal abuse, not just the T but the reptiles he's keeping too. Sounds like they need rehoming asap.


Sep 9, 2020
i agree.....he has no business having any kind of animal as long as he views it as his "property" of which on some level is how he views you as "property" to do with as he sees fit.as for the T... observational pet....sorry to hear about the injury.....


May 4, 2019
It’s stripped leg I think he died I haven’t seen him move in a while it’s abdomen was completely split in half I wasn’t the one trying to handle him my boyfriend got excited over having him and he kept picking it up and showing it to everyone since I’m a girl he doesn’t listen to anything I say or recommend he hasn’t even set up the cage at this point I told him no heat lamp (we live in south Florida, he said it’s his and that’s what he wants to do.. he’s basically been carrying it around for hours at this point and I just wanted him to leave it alone we just got it today but “it’s mine I bought it” he blames me when he tried handing it to me after running around and he just bolted 4 ft in the air, tile floor like a zipper it opened.. tried petroleum flour and tried containing it 😢 the level of anxiety I had trying to help him Idk but he keeps pointing the fingers at me like I’m a tarantula expert he wants to get another one.
you don't sound close to an "expert". Your boyfriend is an idiot.

sorry for the loss though.

Matt Man

Jul 4, 2017
Am I the only one wondering what species of tarantula it was?
I think it was a seemanni from an earlier post.
I am not going to judge the relationship but I would refrain from buying another T (or any other exotic) if the boyfriend does not want to change his attitude towards them. He doesn't have them for the right reason and that can be deadly, as you have sadly learned.

just re-read, this T was just brought home. So it lasted in the home less than 24 hrs?