Brown Recluse bite pictures


Arachno WIDOW
Old Timer
Jan 25, 2007
hence, go to the doctor and get treated right away...
:wall: one would think that would be obvious:wall:


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
The pictures they show as brown recluse bites have never been authenticated AFAIK.

I think I've also seen those pictures connected with rattlesnake bites.

That site is also selling some sort of healing balm that they're obviously marketing to idiots:

These oils have been imprinted with the universal healing frequency of 728 Hz using a modified Lakhovsky/Tesla multi-wave generator embedded with oscillators made from large double-tipped lemurian crystal mined from Minas Gerais, Brazil.
This is all meaningless gibberish.

I've come to the conclusion that a lot of brown recluse bites are simply antibiotic resistant staph infections.

I wouldn't trust anything that site has to offer, information or otherwise.


Arachno WIDOW
Old Timer
Jan 25, 2007
The pictures they show as brown recluse bites have never been authenticated AFAIK.

I think I've also seen those pictures connected with rattlesnake bites.

That site is also selling some sort of healing balm that they're obviously marketing to idiots:

This is all meaningless gibberish.

I've come to the conclusion that a lot of brown recluse bites are simply antibiotic resistant staph infections.

I wouldn't trust anything that site has to offer, information or otherwise.
hmmm, good thoughts man. still wouldn't let a recluse treatment go, whether those pics are true bites or not. especially cause of the necrosis:eek: yuk!!


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2005
what? the woman there got a necrosis every other year just because of a single recluse bite on the ring finger? wow, thats new huh?!

Steven Gielis

Old Timer
May 28, 2005
I've just got a mail with the same pictures. It was a warning for a very venomous African! spider which was recently found in the wild here in Belgium {D
It also included a picture of a Loxosceles :razz:


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2004
Hey Cheshire- a friend of mine going through med school said the same thing you did...99% of the "spider bites" he saw while doing his residency were staph infections.... Everybody jumps to the conclusion that it's a spider bite because it's the easiest way to explain the wound.

On a side note, I have seen REAL pics of an untreated recluse bite from someone who had a bad reaction to the venom...NASTY... looked like a venomous snike bite almost!


Old Timer
Feb 21, 2007
I'm kind of embarrassed that I posted one of these, but it didn't have anything like "These oils have been imprinted with the universal healing frequency of 728 Hz using a modified Lakhovsky/Tesla multi-wave generator embedded with oscillators made from large double-tipped lemurian crystal mined from Minas Gerais, Brazil." I didn't see that, but that's just awesome!


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
I'm kind of embarrassed that I posted one of these, but it didn't have anything like "These oils have been imprinted with the universal healing frequency of 728 Hz using a modified Lakhovsky/Tesla multi-wave generator embedded with oscillators made from large double-tipped lemurian crystal mined from Minas Gerais, Brazil." I didn't see that, but that's just awesome!
yeah. but at least the aid kit you pointed to has logical merit. (as long as one is opened minded enough to allow the possibility that many ancient homeopathic meds actually work ;) )
If you research the ingredients listed in the recluse 1st aid kit and compare it to the "legit" treatment which is all or some combo of ..systemic and/or locally injected corticosteroids, dapsone, high-dose VitaminC and topical nitroglycerine you'll find that it is an alternative, but almost parallel treatment.
Im a believer in the benefits of Comfry and Echinacea. But, could the aid kit help with recluse bites? Even the dapsone/nitro patch research has mixed results according to what I have read. So its hard to say. But, if I was bitten by a recluse, i'd want all the supposive benefits of all meds mentioned above.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
yeah. but at least the aid kit you pointed to has logical merit. (as long as one is opened minded enough to allow the possibility that many ancient homeopathic meds actually work ;) )
If you research the ingredients listed in the recluse 1st aid kit and compare it to the "legit" treatment which is all or some combo of ..systemic and/or locally injected corticosteroids, dapsone, high-dose VitaminC and topical nitroglycerine you'll find that it is an alternative, but almost parallel treatment.
Im a believer in the benefits of Comfry and Echinacea. But, could the aid kit help with recluse bites? Even the dapsone/nitro patch research has mixed results according to what I have read. So its hard to say. But, if I was bitten by a recluse, i'd want all the supposive benefits of all meds mentioned above.

did i tell you i think your reclusa tagged me? felt funky starting a day after for like three days. have a wound on my hand that is like, still not closed. i normally heal WAY faster than that. still wouldn't say conclusively i was bit, though.

i think a lot of homeopathic remedies could have genuine potential benefits. it's all the crystal waving that makes me intensely suspicious.


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
did i tell you i think your reclusa tagged me? felt funky starting a day after for like three days. have a wound on my hand that is like, still not closed. i normally heal WAY faster than that. still wouldn't say conclusively i was bit, though.
What?! :eek: :?


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2005
Hey Cheshire- a friend of mine going through med school said the same thing you did...99% of the "spider bites" he saw while doing his residency were staph infections.... Everybody jumps to the conclusion that it's a spider bite because it's the easiest way to explain the wound.

On a side note, I have seen REAL pics of an untreated recluse bite from someone who had a bad reaction to the venom...NASTY... looked like a venomous snike bite almost!
Well, the problem is that brown recluse bites are sometimes diagnosed in areas that have never reported any species of spiders that have bites that can produce necrosis like those of recluses and hobo spiders.

The problem is the reputation of these spiders. They're famous for these type of wounds and we can't expect every doctor to be an arachnologist.

When doctors try a few types of antibiotic and they fail, they start thinking zebras and not horses. Recluses are a great stereotypical zebra.

MRSA strains aren't commonly aren't thought to commonly originate outside the community and I believe that the study of supposed brown recluse bites could very well change this type of thinking.

I've started reading what few articles I can find online in preperation in getting my PHD in entomology and I've not found anything to convince me otherwise just yet.


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
you can tell from how many times i have gone to the dr how concerned i am =P

i'll take a pic and add it to this thread when i get home
So... how is the "bite" doing?
I took her out and asked her if she bit you and she claims she did not. Now I have trust issues with my darling. :D


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
So... how is the "bite" doing?
I took her out and asked her if she bit you and she claims she did not. Now I have trust issues with my darling. :D
it is just a spot that looks like it was a blister that popped. about .3cm wide. the skin is still a little hard and it won't close up. it's really quite unimpressive, to be honest


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
it is just a spot that looks like it was a blister that popped. about .3cm wide. the skin is still a little hard and it won't close up. it's really quite unimpressive, to be honest
If she was the only thing you got your hands on/into during the time, I'd be more inclined to go with the "maybe she bit you" theory, but calculating in who you are and doing the math, I end up siding with the "I guess she could have bit you ...maybe" theory camp. :D


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
If she was the only thing you got your hands on/into during the time, I'd be more inclined to go with the "maybe she bit you" theory, but calculating in who you are and doing the math, I end up siding with the "I guess she could have bit you ...maybe" theory camp. :D
yeah :(

plus, you never really know if something bit you unless you see them do it or get tested for some obscure component or secondary effect component of the venom, like

i just thought it was funny, cuz if i did get bit, my bite would be MUCH more like what the average person would go through.