breeding question


Old Timer
Oct 22, 2004
Sheri said:
I believe that Haplopelma is a relatively gentle genus when it comes to mating.
When was the last time your female molted? I've found if they are even approaching a molt they are not in the mood.

Sharktanking is a great idea, as Bearskin mentioned. However, when I use that method I place him in a small kritter keeper within the females tank, but I guess it depends how large of an enclosure she is in. I tend to keep my female breeders in larger tanks.

A friend of mine left his 2 H. lividums in together for a couple of days without incident.

as far as i know she hasnt molted ..unless she did in her burrow/den i dont see her much ..i think since i had her ive seen her 2-3 times since i had her
and ive had her about a month and a half i think.....i keep most of my adult T's in 20 qt/19 L sterilite containers....thx for all the help and suggestions folks ..ill keep ya all posted on it


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2005
well i did a search on breeding and ended up here in this conversation which was lucky because i have some important questions.. lol. well i want to breed my female g. rosea with my friends male g. rosea the male is fully matured and i'm guessing my female is also because she's full grown.

anyways first of all i should put them in a tank together but should i let the male in the female's tank or should i set up a separate tank for them temporarily?

also, what does the insertion look like how will i kno when to take the male out of the tank and what can i do if the female gets aggressive towards him is there any way i can save him?

i appreciate any advice ;)


Old Timer
Dec 29, 2003
Consider shark tanking, have the male in a small enclosure in the females larger enclosure. This should stimulate him to make a sperm web (if he is not already loaded).

Then when you release him just be ready with a spatula, and a mister to separate them if things go bad... but generally he will approach her, and they will sort of "stand up" as he needs to insert his palps into her genital opening, he will do one palp and then the other. When he is finished he will instinctively scoot away which is when you should be ready to guide him back into his enclosure.

If you do a search in the pic forum for "mating pictures" you should get some decent results returned.

The other thing I have found that works really well for hides, especially for transferring is the clay flowerpots. This way you can easily move back and forth once you have herded the spider into it by placing a deli cup lid over the opening to the pot and just picking it up and placing it whereever you need to.

There are divided critter keepers you can buy swhich is what I use for terrestrial spiders. The plastic divider is vented... and its really cool to watch them respond to one another through the plastic. The enclosure is divided about 2/3 of the way in, so that the female has more room for movement. Then when it is time to mate, remove the divider (better at night) and watch. You have the designsated flower pot on each side, herd them back in, replace the divider and you have eliminated much of the stress, and its a super easy method.


Old Timer
Jan 30, 2005
thnx for the advice i didnt want to start breeding without knowing how to do it lol for the tarantulas sake...

David Burns

Old Timer
Jul 18, 2003
I had a pair of H.lividums together for 20 days. I never actually saw any insertions but they cohabitated quite nicely. Some times they would both be in her burrow, sometimes just one or the other would be down in the hole. I fed them frequently and they readily ate. He has now been put in another females tank and has been in there for 16 days. He has made sperm webs in both tanks.

I also have a pair of H.minax that have been "shacking up" for 27 days. I have seen insertions between them, the first one was within an hour.