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- Nov 10, 2002
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We have a pair of C. cyaneopubescens that we would like to breed. We have had the male for about 2 months. He was a little weakened after being shipped. He seemed almost stunned. We ended up putting him in an ICU for about 3 days and he has since eaten and acts like a normal spider. We put his small enclosure into the females 10 gallon and she has taken an interest. She has webbed over his enclosure is some areas. The reason we haven't introduced them yet is because the male has not made a sperm web yet in the time we have had him. His previous owner was not sure if he had ever made one before. Is it safe to assume that he probably has made one at some point and introduce them?? He seems to have an interest in her as well, standing on top of his burrow with his legs spanned wide looking quite large. To be honest, he seemed small and shriveled at first, but now, he is almost as big as she is. We just don't want to waste the male by introducing him too soon. On the other hand, the female recently molted and it would be the perfect time for her to breed. Any thoughts??