breeding=money for bills


Old Timer
Jun 27, 2007
This hobby is alot like my old hobby (tropical fish), in this regard. Alot of work to breed with very little to show for it unless its done on a large scale.

The only thing I ever got when I was in the aquarium hobby was free fish and supplys, mostly for live plants that I would grow and trade in.

But as has been already said, you have to do it for the love of the hobby first and formost.
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Old Timer
Jun 19, 2008
Just don't get mad when you spent all that money for your males and your females and the male gets eaten and the female eats the sac.


Old Timer
Feb 1, 2008
But as has been already said, you have to do it for the love of the hobby first and formost.
please believe me when i say i do love this hobby, i didnt mean it for it to sound like all i wanted was money. that definitely isnt what i want. im not that type of person at all, i love my t's and would take them over money any day.i truly didnt mean to come off as a jerk, and im sorry again to whoever i offended :8o


Old Timer
Jun 27, 2007
please believe me when i say i do love this hobby, i didnt mean it for it to sound like all i wanted was money. that definitely isnt what i want. im not that type of person at all, i love my t's and would take them over money any day.i truly didnt mean to come off as a jerk, and im sorry again to whoever i offended :8o
I'm not offended and your not a jerk. I was just making a statement. No worrys. {D {D


Old Timer
Feb 4, 2008
I think it is wonderful that your parents are agreeable to your hobby. It is too often I see that someone's spouse or parent hates their Ts. You might want to also start up something that is almost guaranteed to produce like feeder roaches. They are very easy to breed and not too much cash out up front. That way if your Ts do breed successfully you'll have plenty of food for them and if it takes a while for slings you should still be able to sell off your surplus roaches.


Old Timer
Aug 23, 2007
please believe me when i say i do love this hobby, i didnt mean it for it to sound like all i wanted was money. that definitely isnt what i want. im not that type of person at all, i love my t's and would take them over money any day.i truly didnt mean to come off as a jerk, and im sorry again to whoever i offended :8o
Hey Fang,

You're cool. I knew exactly what you meant from the get-go. I started breeding Ts for exactly the same reason: Love of the eight-leggeds! I have never had more fun, been more engaged, or captivated in any other thing. (Well, skydiving I guess ...{D ) I never dreamed I would love just plain watching them so much.

I'm already seeing how getting a little bit of money reduces the outgo a bit AND feels good too.

When you start breeding a sp of T I don't have I'll definitely buy from you! Good Luck but most of all Have Fun!!!!!! :clap:


Old Timer
Oct 12, 2007
Making money for bills or paying off the house sooner or whatever doesn't really seem feasible to me, either. What it CAN do, though, is make your hobby a lot less expensive! I've traded or sold slings to get different Ts.

It would take a lot and I mean a lot of time, effort, and space to run a very profitable breeding "business".


Old Timer
Jul 5, 2007
I definitely wouldnt depend on breeding T's for your money issues. Maybe a second job?
I've bred 3 different species and have yet to see an eggsac =(. Like everyone else said, you have to take into account that you might not get an eggsac, she may eat the male, Hell the male may kill your nice female (just happened to a friend of mine with his apophsis female), the eggsac may be bad, she may eat it, you may only get 5-10 spideringlings, you may get over 100 and no one buys them from you.
Like they said, if you add the cost of even cheep little deli cups and lids thats a good $60+. If your doing blondi then a good mature male is over $100, if you dont have a female (you do dont you?) that almost $200 right there for a good sized female.

Lol I have no idea how breeders keep on going to kudos to them!


Old Timer
Jun 11, 2008
It's good that you want to breed t's to earn extra money.
Before you do that, why don't you talk to people who do it for a living and try to get some tips from them? I believe that there's no such thing as easy money. If breeding T's were that simple, then a lot of people have been rich overnight, considering the number of slings that could come out of one sack.

Of course there would be disappointments, mistakes and errors, but that's all part of the learning process. A friend of mine told me that he already had a lot of males eaten and a lot of egg sacks destroyed too before he had some success in breeding. Still, even with his experience, there is no guarantee.

Try researching over the net, ask questions on message boards, Get a lot of books about T's, download articles and be as curious as you can regarding T's. Good luck in your endeavors, and I wish you the best. :)


Old Timer
Feb 1, 2008
thanks a lot you guys! and girls, thats mainly why i wanted to start trying to breed, because its challenging and i can imagine if all goes well it can be very rewarding. i want to leanr as much as i can about it. thanks again :D


Old Timer
Mar 1, 2008
If you want to breed, go for it. But don't expect to make loads of cash. I'd recommend you pick 2-3 of your favorite species and work on those. Keep it a hobby and don't invest too much all at once. Read the boards to find out which T's are hard to breed and produce. In my experience P regalis is quite easy, but I have read blondis are very difficult. Sometimes the hardest part is timing. You need adult females and upcoming males. Not a small investment for any species and if you grow slings it's a long wait. You basically get one chance per year and if eggs are produced they may be eaten, rot, be infertile, etc. A number of years ago I had a very large smithi sac. I took it from the female and incubated it, and after a few months, thousands of mites hatched from it. Not a single egg survived. It was a lot of effort to get that sac and I ended up with nothing. Enjoy the challenge, have fun with it, don't give up, and don't expect to make much money. I wish you all the luck in the world.


Old Timer
Feb 1, 2008
thanks a lot, i dont even care about making money off it anymore, hell if i get a sac from that obt and everything works out im just gonna do i first come first serve giveaway. so ill keep you guys posted :D


Old Timer
Jul 9, 2007

It took me a year to have my first month of profit. I made maybe 170 minus deli cups and spider food, probably 125. That happened last month but i traded much inventory and will not be making much this month.

My best advice is to breed middle of the road ($40) animals that sell well.


Old Timer
Jun 18, 2004
If you want money breed roaches. Babies are all but guaranteed and they make them all year round. Way back when I was going all out on roaches I think I averaged $80/month side income. Never came close to that with spiders with any kind of regularity.