Breeding Mice


Old Timer
May 7, 2006
LOL your mice are as only good as the food you give them, and snakes do not need to eat live mice, mine don't even know what to do when a live mouse in placed in the tank. Predators are just fine taking dead food else reptiles would not be as popular right? While the instincts don't nessesarily go away I do think they are surpressed due to being in a captive enviroment and selctive breeding. Also you are forgetting that prey animals when cvornered fight back? I have seen HUNDREDS of horrible pics of snakes that got demolished by their intended victims. Feeding dead food eliminates this, and my snakes are not complaining. Now I will acknowllege that SOME snakes must have live food these are not too common and can be weaned off it once they are settled in captivity. I was successful in weaning my JCP off live food. And I agree it IS funny that I get attached to the mice.

Also predators are oppertunists, they will take whatever comes there way, while a python cant use a mircowave if it found something recently deceased I am sure it would eat that.
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Old Timer
Aug 18, 2004
Too bad on the spinys being illegal in CA.

Also, illegal in CA, but if smell is a problem what about gerbils?


Old Timer
May 7, 2006
Too bad on the spinys being illegal in CA.

Also, illegal in CA, but if smell is a problem what about gerbils?

Gerbils are like mice with ADHD and on a sugar high combined with roid rage. Gerbils are very aggressive fast and master escape artists. Take my word for it. ;)


Old Timer
Aug 18, 2004
But if they don't smell as bad maybe using them prekilled might be appropriate.


Old Timer
Jan 8, 2008
my most recent attempt at breeding mice ended badly... I'll never do it again, and I'll never keep mice as pets again.
I had started with one male and one female, then acquired three pregnant females all at once. the pregnant females never gave birth, I think the change in living situations caused them to spontaneously abort. No biggie. We were only trying to get pinks for 5 hatchling corns. Another month went by, and still no babies from any of the four females. Ever. I swear, my male must have been gay. Anyways, at that point I was considering replacing the male, but I had grown very attached to him, he was a total sweetheart. Then one day, one of my females was dead and almost completely eaten, another had her ears completely chewed off, and a third had some nibbles in her ears. The mice had plenty of food and water, there was no excuse. I went from five, to four, to three, to two, and then they became snake food. I thought that it would be nice to save my sister a few dollars a week (she's the one with the snakes, not me), and since i already kept rats, and had kept mice before, i already had the supplies needed. But now I just can't look at mice the same anymore... they are horrible, filthy creatures...

Louise E. Rothstein

Old Timer
Feb 10, 2005
Unsuitable food may trigger "hidden hunger." The affected animals may be eating a LOT of food...but THEY ARE STARVING. Were protein levels low,or of poor quality? That could been what went wrong.

If their food was not deficient to begin with you should have had stool specimens examined because mice can get worms.And,again,affected animals that appear to be eating "enough" may be STARVING... and DESPERATE.

Your "horrible" mice may have had an entirely treatable problem.

It is the greatest pity that you did not check it out.

I hope that others do.

Yours very truly,

Louise Esther Rothstein.


Old Timer
May 13, 2007
I bred some mice for around 16-20 snakes. Heres what happened to me I ended up with way too many mice faster than I could use them I ended up just sticking with frozen thawed from now on and only offer prekilled only if its an emergency. These was baby snakes one mouse dropped 30 babies and the other dropped 15-20 the night before .
