I'm sure glad they caught the shooters back there, now I can quit worring about you.
Are you talking about L. parahybana. If so I just got one Tuesday. I got a caresheet from It says they get up to 10". Semi aggressive, fast speed, Terrestrial, 3 - 5" peet.
They are not hard to take care of. It is pretty standard. THey eat lots and they grow fast. Mine does anyways and rumor has it lots of other people have the same experience.
This is confusing you know, since the spider now in the pet-trade known as Vitalius Playtomma isn't the 'real' playtomma (the real playtomma is now Vitalius Wacketi)..wacketi is smaller and comes from Ecuador - Peru , and the bigger 'playtomma' from around Sao Paolo in Brazil
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