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Brachypelma albopilosum


Oct 26, 2004

Female moulted 09.X.2004 and the first attempt was 20.XI.2004. Don’t know about male. She ate a few crickets before meeting. No other special. Humidity and temp the same as in the whole room.

We put the male into the female cage, it’s quite big and there’s a lot of space. Female had her own big burrow.

First attempt was unsuccessful. Both of them were ready, and do drums, but male couldn’t do his job because of the glass wall;) They were trying for a few minutes and then female lost patience and go home.

At the second time was the same problem with wall, but this time they fell outside the cage and do what they should do.

There was a third attempt, but female didn’t answer for male drumming.

There was no special post mating care, standard temp and humidity.

Female laid the sack 05.III.2005, so it was 105 days after date. She wasn’t eating in this days.

The sac was with the female till 31.III.2005 (26days) the we get it from her (she wasn’t aggressive at all)and carefully check. The postembryos was in. After that I didn’t turned eggsac or do anything, 9 days later there was the next stadium (still yellow, but almost a spider)
At the 20.V.05 spiderlings started to molt into a real spiders (with black pock on abdomen)

Finally there was almost 400 spiderlings, could be more, but few eggs was black, and there was some cannibalistic actions, and simply a few of them just died…

Photostory at the fotostory


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002

succsessful :clap:

It all started at 4:30 this afternoon. Removed coconut hide and water dish from females cage, To give the male some room to manuever. Also feed her a large cricket. Then left her to relax.
6:00pm, Introduced male, He ran to one corner,She to the other. After 5 mins removed male will try again later. increased room temp. to about 80 degrees.

8:00pm, Returned male to females cage. He started drumming. Female stretched legs out male approced and slid right in and hooked her. We have insertion.

8:03 pm, After a quick release (and a little help from a paint brush) the male is safely back in his home having a smoke and a scotch. While she sits and wonders will he call. {D


Well no babies this time. Just went in to do some feeding and my girl is molting. Better luck next time I guess.
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Old Timer
Apr 3, 2005

Successful mating resulted in 400?? spiderlings. ( A good guess )

2 females were mated with 3 males several times during Feb and Mar of 2005. Nothing special, females in 5 gal tanks, males introduced to females tank. #1 female molted in Feb of 2006. #2 female reintroduced one of the old males in Mar 2006. He had not made a sperm web in a while but thought it was worth a try? These males matured Nov and Dec of 2004. (as of today July 4, 2006 one is still alive) Did not witness any inserts but left him with female for a week ( she was in her burrow, he wandered around tank)

Egg sac was made about 1 month later on Apr 20 2006. Left sac with female untill day 33. During that time did not disturb tank. she moved egg sac between her two clay pots and flat rock that were all below the 5 inches of peat and vermiculite.

Opened egg sac on day 33. Eggs with legs. Maybe 15 bad eggs, also a few were stuck together. Some eggs with legs were dark so I seperated them.( Their legs were moving so I kept them in a different container) Put the rest in a hemmock in my incubater tank. Temp 80 to 85F, Humidity 80 to 90% With a small fan to keep air circulating. Filled egg sac with cotton and gave back to female, she snached it up and went back to guarding it. She rejected it on day 46 (4 days after 1st instar molt) and started feeding shortly after that.

1 st instar molt day 42. About 24 did not molt from eggs with legs. a few of the dark ones molted and were darker than the others. At this stage I placed them in a 5 inch petre dish lined with paper towl. They spread out over the whole dish. Kept dish in incubater same as before.

Day 68, slings becoming more active. I lowered the temp to 75 to 80F. They are clustering on one side of the dish.

Today day Day 74 begining to darken, some showing dark spots on abdomin. looking for them to begin molting any day now.


Here is a pic in the petre dish.


Day 74 started to turn dark.
Day 80 to 83 molted into 2nd instar.


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Old Timer
May 22, 2005

Breeding took place on 06/25/06, 46 days after my female had molted. The temperature was 80 degrees with about 60% humidity. The female was very laid back, showing no aggression at all towards the male, and at least one really good insert was observed. I then removed the male, trying a second introduction after his next sperm web, but she wanted nothing to do with him so he was removed.

On 10/21/06, she made a web bowl-shaped structure between the substrate and the lid of her enclosure. On 10/23/06, she had her eggsac. The eggsac was pulled on 11/15/06 and opened on 11/20/06. We had eggs w/legs!

On 11/27/06 nymphs molted into 1st instar. The count is currently at:

1052 eggs laid
Only 45 eggs developed into slings
As of 12/10/06, slings are still 1st instar and are not yet showing signs of an impending molt.


Old Timer
Apr 9, 2004
I have successfully bred my pair of Brachypelma albopilosum "Honduran Curlyhair".

The mating was pretty straight foreward. I placed the male and females enclosure next to one another. The male picked up the female scent and prescence and started drumming. The mating went well and took minimal time with several insertions. I took the male out afterwards for future breeding attempts.

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Old Timer
Jul 5, 2007
My first breeding! It went well! The breeding lasted about 12 minutes with one good insert at the end. Keeping my figers crossed!

This is breeding pair #1. Later tonight I will introduce breeding pair #2.

My smallest male (looks to be 5.5") and smallest female (4").
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Ice Cold Milk

Old Timer
Jul 21, 2004
Kind of Successful

Large female mated late July (southern hemisphere winter)

Eggsac laid Oct. 11th.
Pulled eggsac early on Oct. 31'st, as the eggsac was mis-shapen.
counted about 600 eggs, of which 593 were bad... 7 made it to eggs-with-legs stage, 3 made it to 1st instar and are now doing well.


Old Timer
Jul 5, 2007
:wall: My largest female molted today and i dont have alot of hope for my smallest female to be gravid since I never saw an actual insertion. Going to breed my largest female again once she hardens up. :eek:


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2007

Feb 24 - Female Molted

Mar 14 - First mating attempt after female finished a couple of adult B Dubias - successful insert

Apr 2 - Second mating attempt - successful

Apr 19 - Third mating attempt - unsuccessful; female was irritable and tried to lunge at him

Apr 20 - Female dropped a sac

Hoping for the best. Do you guys think that the interval time from the first insert to today is a bit too short?

Pics taken last 03-14-09



Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007

Female molted January 8, 2010
Male matured September 29, 2009
Paired January 25, 2010 and February 9, 2010

Any special care or preliminary notes for the lovers - Female was fed heavily and male was seen making several sperm webs, at least once a week
How they were paired - Tried walking him from his enclosure into hers but he wouldn't. We then cupped him, put him at the opposite end from her in her enclosure, gave him some of her webbing.
Any observations on the hookup - After webbing was introduced, male started twitching and the female responded with vigorous drumming. He ran up to her, got several good insertions. The female then tried to get away and the male attempted to continue mating so we seperated him before she ate him. On the second pairing male was introduced in the same manner, and began twitching with no response from the female. He then heavily drummed which still received no response from the female, so he was removed.
Any special post mating care - Female was heavily fed. The mating was done during winter so she did receive a slight cooling period.
Time to sac - From first mating on January 25, sac was laid on April 2, 2010.
Care of the sac - Left sac with female for 30 days, and then removed it.
The final details -An estimated 500 post-embryos.

Video of the first mating:
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Old Timer
Jul 31, 2007
Female: Br_albo_13
Female's Most Recent Molt: 23-Sep-11
First Pairing: 18-Oct-11
Final Pairing: 18-Oct-11
Total Pairings: 1
Male: (On Loan) Quagmire
Male's Ultimate Molt Date: 12-Nov-10
Eggsac Found: 18-Dec-11
Eggsac Pulled: 10-Jan-12
Stage When Pulled: Post Embryos
Fist Instar Molt: 18-Jan-12
Second Instar Molt: 1-Mar-12



First Instars:

Second Instars:


Old Timer
Jun 10, 2008

I bred my female B.albopilosum that i raised from a sling with a male from a friend. I waited about a month after she molted to breed her and fattened her up with some dubia.

Bred on 10-30-12

Sac 3-12-13

Pulled 3-29-13

1st instar 4-1-13

2nd instar 5-1-13

Total count was 836!! and a few that didn't hatch


Old Timer
Dec 12, 2005
Successful breeding of Brachypelma albopilosum
Date of mating- 7.02.13
Male from Rob Owen on a 50/50 agreement.Male was introduced and walked into the female which sparked some courtship between the two.they hooked up and took roughly 4-5minutes before the male released and the female tried to attack him before I got him out unharmed.
Post mating care-
Female was fed roughly 2 medium dubia roaches a week until she stopped eating.She started digging and upturning décor after about 2months of being mated.Then 3-4 weeks before laying she was webbing heavily.She was kept t the same temperature constantly around 80F and not really soaked.
Eggsac found- 4.5.13
Eggsac was then found abandoned on the 13.5.13 to which I took it out and opened it up to find several hundred eggs.
Eggsac care-
I placed all eggs into the normal incubator at around 83F and humidity 80-90%?
Eggs with legs found- 20.05.13
First N2s found- 29.05.13
Eggsac contained around 400-450 eggs and around 350 were fertilised and made it.
Spiderlings found- 29.06.13 around 312 made it to spiderling stage

Elite exotics

Aug 27, 2013

Bracypelma albopilosum
Honduran Curly Hair

Moulted: 2nd June 2013
Size: 4.5in

On loan
Matured: Unknown
Size: 5.5 inch

Pairing 1 - 1st July 2013
Male introduced to female and both immediately started drumming. No aggression shown from either. They locked for around 4 mins with good insertions seen. Male removed from female.

Female moulted on 2nd August 2013 - no sack produced.


Old Timer
May 23, 2012
Successful !

Female was purchased as a sling 4/28/2012

Female had her mature molt 6/20/2014

Female was paired outside her cage in a neutral area with two different males on 8/23/2014 and 8/27/2014
She didn't show any aggression to them and they escaped unharmed at each pairing session.
Good solid insertions for both males on both days.

Female ate ferociously and laid her sac on 1/19/2015
about the size of a Kiwi fruit.

The female was so attentive with the sac I decided not to pull it. She constantly rolled it all over the tank like a bear on a beach ball, only leaving it momentarily. She fed 3 times in the next 3 months then she finally buried it shallowly and on 4/3/2015 this ! (Looks like I got photobombed by a true spider)

Today April 13th, I finished carefully separating 1185 slings after sifting through literally every grain of coco fiber in that tank. A labor of love to be sure.