Bought a mystery box


Mar 7, 2021
When I started in the hobby about 2 years ago i bought beginner species only after owning a few of these species for around a year i then bought a mystery box <edit> and I left in the comments for the order that I only wanted beginner species nothing to crazy they completely ignored my comment and sent out thialand black / burgundy Goliath / gooty sapphire / king baboon and gbb tarantulas out of all of these which I wasn’t experienced enough to keep but I gave it a go and still have them 1 year later without being bitten and the Ts seem to be happy and in good health but I’ve been absolutely <edit> up by the pure speed of Thailand black and the gooty sapphire in fact I think the fear of these tarantulas behaviours and temperaments are why I’ve never been bitten and as much as they terrify me in rehousing and sometimes even feeding I wouldn’t have it any other way as the difference is with these old worlds and some new worlds is they demand respect ✊ I will definitely get dissed on here for not knowing scientific names I know a few but probably could not spell them 😂 has any other beginners taken on such defensive species of tarantulas on here ...I know I shudnt have even tried but I got what I got in the mystery box I rollled with it and nothing bad has happened so far and it’s been a year I do think my fear of them has kept me safe tho at no point have I been paid back with these Ts my adrenaline kicks in as soon as one of them fast buggers comes out of its hide / burrow /web any tips for any of the species mentioned also they seem healthy and molting feeding drinking just fine but any tips can always be handy
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Jul 19, 2019
That was VERY irresponsible of the dealer to send you these species when you specifically asked for something beginner friendly.


Oct 20, 2019
I'm sorry you got tossed into the deep end that was really unprofessional of the seller to ignore your request. Personally, I would leave a review on here, and warn other prospective customers



Mar 7, 2021
I feel that it has helped me understand the speed and behaviours of more advanced species but at the same time I would not of chosen any of them species tbh I love the gbb he feeds really well everytime he covers every enclosure he has been in thick webs and his colours are amazing I would out of all of them choose the gbb anyday the Goliath is rather shy but the king baboon and the Thailand black are pretty hardcore Ts they are really not to be messed with also the gooty sapphire is another one I am very cautious with ....I’m guessing they didn’t read the comments on the order and I should have contacted them straight away but at the same time I wanted to own all of these Ts eventually when I was ready but I just went with it probably a bad idea it could have gone a lot worse I still class myself as begginer/ novice even today would be very careful for anyone just starting out in the hobby who is interested in buying mystery boxes you really have no idea what you might end up with and I would class the gooty sapphire as dangerous also the king baboon and Thailand black they don’t mess around and from what I have researched a bite from any of them would be very uncomfortable for long periods of time my next tarantula will be something along the lines of golden blue leg baboon also like the salmon pink bird eaters but as I have learnt temperaments can vary even within the same species of tarantula my next things to learn is scientific names for all the Ts


Feb 26, 2015
Learning the scientific names is pretty easy with repeat exposure. Maybe just write down the Latin names by the enclosures so when you do maintenance you see the name again?


Jul 19, 2019
One thing that helped me learn scientific names was both frequenting this site and looking at the websites of reputable tarantula dealers, where it often lists both the scientific and common names. It may seem intimidating at first, but you'll learn them over time. I prefer them to the common names. More accurate and hey, doesn't Poecilotheria regalis (regal spotted beast in greek/ latin) seem cooler than Indian Ornamental? I think so. Some of the common names make me chuckle. Psychedelic Electric Blue Bloom Bird Eater LOL.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Not the first time we’ve heard this
I never order those, not worth it.


Jul 1, 2018
Yea never order a mystery box, it is bad enough when they send you a freebe without asking.

I once watched a video by TarantulaDan who got a 1000€ mistery box from them with way too many Phormingochilus sp. sabah blue, he kept saying it was great but i got the feeling he was about to cry.

Also, the common names are confusing as heck, just forget about them altogether and voila the only thing that is left are the correct ones.


Mar 7, 2021
Just whilst I have you on the subject any ideas why my gooty sapphire is so brown i think it’s because he is ready to molt but honestly not sure he / she has been like this for a while now ....ignore the quality of the picture his enclosure is a old tub with holes drilled in that is badly scratched I said I was not ready for this T or any arboreal Ts to be delivered so I improvised the enclosure is 25 cm tall by 15 cm wife I used rainforest soil with vermiculite and I give him a light misting every 3 to 5 days had him from sling he/she is at the juvenile stage



Dec 24, 2018
When I started in the hobby about 2 years ago i bought beginner species only after owning a few of these species for around a year i then bought a mystery box <edit> and I left in the comments for the order that I only wanted beginner species nothing to crazy they completely ignored my comment and sent out thialand black / burgundy Goliath / gooty sapphire / king baboon and gbb tarantulas out of all of these which I wasn’t experienced enough to keep but I gave it a go and still have them 1 year later without being bitten and the Ts seem to be happy and in good health but I’ve been absolutely <edit> up by the pure speed of Thailand black and the gooty sapphire in fact I think the fear of these tarantulas behaviours and temperaments are why I’ve never been bitten and as much as they terrify me in rehousing and sometimes even feeding I wouldn’t have it any other way as the difference is with these old worlds and some new worlds is they demand respect ✊ I will definitely get dissed on here for not knowing scientific names I know a few but probably could not spell them 😂 has any other beginners taken on such defensive species of tarantulas on here ...I know I shudnt have even tried but I got what I got in the mystery box I rollled with it and nothing bad has happened so far and it’s been a year I do think my fear of them has kept me safe tho at no point have I been paid back with these Ts my adrenaline kicks in as soon as one of them fast buggers comes out of its hide / burrow /web any tips for any of the species mentioned also they seem healthy and molting feeding drinking just fine but any tips can always be handy
I applaud you, instead of throwing in the towel and trying to get rid of them you stuck with these T's. Yeah I'm sorry that happened to you but kudos to you for not giving up.


Sep 3, 2020
Yea never order a mystery box, it is bad enough when they send you a freebe without asking.

I once watched a video by TarantulaDan who got a 1000€ mistery box from them with way too many Phormingochilus sp. sabah blue, he kept saying it was great but i got the feeling he was about to cry.

Also, the common names are confusing as heck, just forget about them altogether and voila the only thing that is left are the correct ones.
I have 5 T's that were given as freebies, I think they're way to cavalier with sending freebies, my last order was a M. balfouri juvenile and I left a comment specifically stating I didn't want free ones and what do they do...send me two freebies with it...that incidentally happened to be the same now I have three balfouris!