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- Jan 11, 2008
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Maybe. Lol. I find my Emerald Tree Boas more camera friendly. We will see though.
Nice post them both up then send me one of those ETBs lol.Maybe. Lol. I find my Emerald Tree Boas more camera friendly. We will see though.
Sure I'll trade you some boas from my litter this year?lol J/k The way you have to heat ETBs kind of confuses me.For a price, I might...show me what you know and your W-2s and we may make a deal. Lol
I'm just trying to figure out how to attach a radiant heat panel to the said of an enclosure?I'm also confused on how you get a thermostat hooked up to a radiant heat panel?Consider this an official thread hi-jack! For what? The second or third time?
How does the heating confuses you? I'll try posting pics Monday...that may clear any questions up if I can't explain.
Ah I'm corallus.com and hear that you should attach them to the side because only half the enclosure should be heated.I know how the RHP plugs into the thermostat just trying to figure out the placement of the probe.Ah...the RHP screws into the top (not side) of the enclosure. The power cord to the RHP plugs into an "outlet" on the thermostat. A prob from the thermostat is put into the tank to monitor temperature and adjust power to the RHP accordingly.
Sorry if I missed something, or went over-basic.
Lol I'm on arboreal forums.The people on corallus.com are the best when it comes to ETBs though.I just use sterilite bins and UTHs because all I have are Bci.Ahh-hah! You need to join arborealforums.com. We can help you out.
I already have some pics there that show prob placement etc. What caging system are you using?
Yeah it's the same user name.I visit every now and then but not really often.Every animal for discussion on there I have a forum specifically for that animal lol but the other forums seem to have all of the better breeders you know?You are? Hmm...I'm there now. Is your username the same?
Yeah. We are working on it. AF is still small, but growing.
What do you know I recognize both of those names lol.There both on morelia virdis.com.I joined the arboreal forums like when it first came out.There was only like 5 posts in each section when I joined lol.Yeah. I know. But, we do have quite a few "big" names. Enough that I recognized them from outside any forum. Particularly Greg Stephens. He's a regular on there and is a famous GTP breeder. Rico Walder supports us on his site, but has yet to take on a membership.
We will see. Time will tell.