Hi everyone, first post to this sub but have been reading it for awhile now. Nice, informative, and interesting community.
So, I want to get a tarantula. I have no intention of handling or interacting with it unless absolutly necessary (unboxing, rehousing, feeding etc). After watching a bunch of videos, Im more into the species that look really unique, unlike the normal black/brown new worlds.
The spider that actually caught my attention was a Blue Quezon Earth Tiger. I actually bought the spider without doing much information and honestly didn't know it was an Old world
How screwed would I be, having no tarantula or reptile experience at all, getting this species? Is it doable? I dont want a rose hair or whatever new world tarantula. I want something that is cool to look at.
So, I want to get a tarantula. I have no intention of handling or interacting with it unless absolutly necessary (unboxing, rehousing, feeding etc). After watching a bunch of videos, Im more into the species that look really unique, unlike the normal black/brown new worlds.
The spider that actually caught my attention was a Blue Quezon Earth Tiger. I actually bought the spider without doing much information and honestly didn't know it was an Old world
How screwed would I be, having no tarantula or reptile experience at all, getting this species? Is it doable? I dont want a rose hair or whatever new world tarantula. I want something that is cool to look at.