Finally my A. purpurea molted, been waiting on this one for a few weeks!
C. fasciatum laid a phantom eggsac (... I guess it wasn't time for a molt! :wall: Funny thing is, I was hoping to be able to sex the molt.. guess she did that part for me! lol) so I let her keep it for a while.
Took it away from her today (she was so mad, as expected =/). I decided to have a look inside and snap a few shots.
Also, received a new female P. regalis. She's a little bit over 5" and came with her tank for $25. Absolutely love her, just too bad my male is so long past his mature molt, and she is probably 1 molt away from being ready to breed.
A. versicolor
Played with some different lighting for these two.
T. plumipes
That's all for now. B. smithi had his mature molt early this morning so there is a sequence of photos from that coming soon!
Edit: forgot to add my L. parahybana. Finally molted and looking like a LP!
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