Black Rock Scorpling Not Reacting To Most Stimulus?


Feb 26, 2025
I recently got a Black Rock scorpling which I've moved into a temporary house to raise until it grows up. It's been mostly showing normal behaviours and is almost always hidden under a hide. However I've noticed that whenever I find the scorpion, it's in a position where it's legs are curled inward and it's tail is either low to it's head or slightly to the side. Alongside this, it seems to basically not react to being touched which I've heard is a sign that the scorpion is dying or unhealthy.

It's gotten to an extreme point where I could use tongs to place the scorpling into my hand and it even flipped over while staying in the same position with it's legs curled. After I blew on it lightly it sprung back up with it's claws and tail pointed to me like you'd expect.

Is this normal behaviour? It seems like it might be pre-molt or some sort of resting state? I'm aware that I should stop interacting with it to not stress it, however I'm worried that it's death-like "sleeping" is an indicator that something is wrong with it.

Pics of setup and stats (Temp is left, humidity is right) are attached as well as a pic of him sticking out of his hide. Any advice is appreciated, I'm very new to keeping scorpions.



Feb 27, 2025
Sometimes scorpions play dead. Recently my one gave me a full heartattack but usually if they perk up after a blow it should be fine. If you are super worried increase humidity a bit. Try leaving it alone (no moving, touching enclosure etc ) for a week and see how it goes might just be a bit stressed. If it's still eating it's probably healthy. If it's legs are often curled inwards, it is yes a sign of death but scorpions are weird creatures and it could just be a quirk. Maybe just do a look-see through the enclosure and add some more hiding places and keep the enclosure in an area of zero to low light .


Feb 26, 2025
Thanks for the help! I'll try limit my interactions with the scorpion to just giving it food and trust that they'll be alright. It has acted pretty similarly to this since i've gotten it, so it might just be a quirk of this one in particular lol.