

Oct 12, 2016
So i managed to create a bioactive terrarium for my crestec gecko a couple of months ago, which seems to be working perfectly fine and has become stable. I know this is the wrong place to mention it, but is a bio-active aquarium such a thing? I was reading that the aquatic plants use the nitrates produced from the fish and create a balance in the tank so the water quality for the fish stays at a good level. I have a 10 gallon tank and would like to know your thoughts on it, or tips from someone who has made one before, or even attempted the project. Thanks.


Old Timer
Mar 21, 2005
In my experience, the larger the tank the easier it is to maintain. 10 gal. Tanks are kind of a pain to keep up. Years ago I knew a guy that had a 225 that he never touched. The first time I saw it all but about 4" had evaporated and it was crystal clear with a few cory cats and plecos still in it. There may have been some others but I can't remember. The substrate was almost entirely black with a layer of sediment a few inches thick. The filter had apparently quit working a couple years before, probably clogged with tons of duckweed. I don't recommend a setup like that but apparently it can work as long as the changes in water quality are slow enough that any inhabitants can acclimate. It's all hit or miss in my opinion.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
So i managed to create a bioactive terrarium for my crestec gecko a couple of months ago, which seems to be working perfectly fine and has become stable. I know this is the wrong place to mention it, but is a bio-active aquarium such a thing? I was reading that the aquatic plants use the nitrates produced from the fish and create a balance in the tank so the water quality for the fish stays at a good level. I have a 10 gallon tank and would like to know your thoughts on it, or tips from someone who has made one before, or even attempted the project. Thanks.
Look up the forums that specialize in aquatics, those people will definitely know as all they do is talk about their plants and designing the tanks.