@ natemass, the mesomelas was purchased in '05 from SCR, I also picked up another sling in Germany last october.
Still more new molts and rehousings...
H. incei 0.2.0
Making a run for freedom, the gecko was no help though...
Hysterocrates sp. 0.0.1
I finally got a shot of this very elusive and skittish T.
P. striata 1.0.0
Looks like he's thinking 'Go ahead, try putting that finger in my face one more time...'
And some field shots, '06 was a very prolific year for frogs in my area.
Aphids being tended to by ants, the bigger green larval things seemed to have some role in this too but I couldn't figure out what. If they were eating aphids the ants didn't seen to mind...
Aphids on some unfamiliar sort of podded plant. Interestingly there was a
monarch butterfly caterpillar eating it also, peviously I'd never seen them eating anything but milkweeds
Myrmeleontidae (ant lion) I get lots of these along the foundation of my house. These are what is at the bottom of those little funnel traps you'll see in dry, sheltered, sandy dirt. Very fun to tease, throw in a 'stink beetle' and they go crazy trying to flick them from the funnel.
hey Bill for me 06 was a big frog year as well i got over a dozen grey tree frogs in my yard and tons of toads in the area. ive never seen so many frogs.
Collembola, floating in a just filled water dish. The group was 'pulsing' every few seconds, all springing away from each other then converging again in the center.
@syndicate, the rufilatas are from the same sac and have always been together.
Dolomedes tenebrosus
Found the mom with sac locally last fall and got a bunch of slings, some of which I still have. She is about 3" dls, the larger slings are pushing an inch.
@ syndicate, the Haploclastus is a little over 3" dls.
M. robustum 2.0.0
This is the one with the curly legs in an earlier pic, just molted but dropped one leg that got stuck part way out. Still a big improvement over the candy cane toes though...
Nemesidae sp. "Trinidad" 0.0.1 very fresh from a molt
Avicularia sp. 0.1.0
Some misc other pets...
Bantams, Old English/Dutch cross
Eastern Rosella's
Hahns Macaw
My past reef tank, scanned in from film. I've since scaled back to a lower maintanence 45 gal with just fish and live rock, no inverts.
wow.. those are some incredible tanks. and I am impressed at the recovery of candy cane toes, thats great! when I saw first the pic I thought it was dead
omg those geckos are so cute hehe!ive had my leopard gecko for over 10 years now.there great pets!i love the patterns youve got there.congrats on the breeding!
Haplopelma sp. "Bach Ma" 0.1.0
Didn't plan on doing a shoot with this girl. I was trying to fish the exuvium out of her hole, she was attacking the wire, then ran up it and flew out of the little slot I had open in the enclosure so fast she must have gotten a foot of air, thought I was gonna get her in my face. She landed on my chest, balled up and rolled almost to my knees, did a spread eagle leap to the floor then, thankfully, just froze. Every time I'd pick her up and place her for a pic, she'd roll off onto the table and bolt for cover. Persistence pays off though, each time she got a bit calmer and after a half dozen times she actually became almost cooperative...
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