bad idea then:wall: . i just read that a tropical plant(trumpet pitcher) needs high humidity to survive and i thought it would look good in a tropical setup.:8o
the mouths on a flytrap only open and close so many times before they eventually die. it is my experience that emps walk all over plants in their enclosure... so the emps will kill the flytrap my triggering it's mouths. Also Flytraps are from North America ( mostly found in the Carolina's) and have different requirements than your emps do.
Flytraps are not tropical in the first place . . . most people kill them by keeping them too warm or too humid. They need to go through a winter dormancy in addition to being kept in temperate conditions.
The trumpet pitcher plant isn't tropical, either -- all Sarracenias need a temperate habitat and do best outdoors.
I walked along some creeks here in Tx and brought back a few small native ferns I found on the edge of the creek. One survived and has attached itself to a rock. But the scorpion comes out every once in a while and messes up the new growth. I finally figured out the flytrap thing too several years ago. I think I've had the same ones for about 5 years now. Like already mentioned, with no winter dormacy, they die fast. I think there was some guy on here that said he's had his flytraps for 20 years. I remember that he said he doesn't let them bloom to promote off-shoots. He said he had to give allot of them away since he had gotten so many that way. Bet you could find a really small fern at a tropical plant store. I put an orchid in one of my cages, it lasted about a year,.... because of me, I'm sure . I keep my Flytraps outside. The leaves die off in the winter and it looks like the whole plant dies but there is a tuber underneath where new growth will sprout in Spring.
i think i will leave flytraps out of my tank but i will get some over the summer coz i like to watch them eat the flys outside. i read that with flytraps you cut off the flowers to make the plant focus it's energy into producing new traps.
Yea more traps but also more brand new plants next to the old one. "no seeds? Looks like I'm going to have to reproduce more plants with my root system", would be what the plant might say if the plant had a brain and could talk. I think they create more plants with short rhizomes coming off the root of the old plant. They can reproduce by rhizomes anyway but do so more if you cut the seed stalk off. Been a while since I read about that. Now I'm curious and going to have to look it up again, so all that's from weak memory so I don't know if that's 100%.
same technique on propagating massive and bulky rootcrops here in PH, farmers cut the flowers to make the roots fat and more meaty, while others are left on harverst to produce new buds from the rhizomes that will be harvested on the next season.
"we are now entering the plant section, please leave your crickets on the bagage booth to prevent damage on the plants inside, thank you"
just a quick update the 2i is now very! fat so i'm hoping it will molt soon and the 5i female has eaten her first cricket in a month yay. they seem to get along fine i have looked in the hide and the small scorp sits ontop of the larger one and she doesn't seem to mind in fact sometimes i swear she protects the little bugger.
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