Best herp species to keep?


Old Timer
Jul 12, 2011
Herpes simplex and Herpes zoster are both common and easy to acquire. Oh wait, you wanted "herps"... nevermind! :embarrassed:
Leopard geckos are cute.


Mar 1, 2021
Gotta admit I tend to stay away from crested and gargoyle geckos due to their IUCN status and listing on CITES, despite their commonality in the US pet trade.
None are imported from the wild. The entire captive population of crested geckos came from a group of about 5 geckos. I think gargoyle geckos are similar. That's why it's a good idea to keep and breed them (at least the gargs) to make sure once the wild populations increase they aren't imported.
A word about mourning geckos - they glue their eggs to the side of their cages and they’re near impossible to remove, so you’re pretty much just gonna have to deal with babies running around all the time, super cool at first but after a while it gets a bit tiring having to fish out babies and find them homes.
Tape a small deli cup over the eggs with a couple thumbtack holes. Once they hatch you can slide paper under it and move them to their housing (a small deli cup).
African house snake.
I LOVE HOUSE SNAKES!!! I don't actually have them yet but I'm going to get them hopefully soon.

My recommendations are Rhacodactylus and Correlophus species, small/dwarf monitors (ackie, kings dwarf, etc.), house snakes, small geckos (tiger, leopard, AFT, etc.) or other colubrids (research and look through the MorphMarket other colubrids category). If you want to try a more difficult species you could go for dart frogs, day geckos, or crocodile skinks.