Went to BC with my swedish friends that came to visit and we found alot of herps and saw alot of other wildlife that was lifers for me
Here is some pictures from the trip
First the BC shots
Crotalus oreganus, in situ
Crotalus oreganus
Crotalus oreganus
Crotalus oreganus
Crotalus oreganus
Alligator lizard
Pseudacris maculata
Also managed to see a bluetailed skink but I never got a shot of it
After BC we headed for Alberta and found perhaps 20 Crotalus viridis at a den
Crotalus viridis
After Alberta we went to Saskatchewan and saw more prarierattlers among other stuff
Thamnophis radix
Yellowbellied Racer
big male viridis
And ended the trip in Inwood snake dens
We also saw some cool mammals on the trip
Red fox, Manitoba
Big horn sheep, BC
And grizzly bears in the rockies
List of herps found on the trip
Crotalus oreganus
Crotalus viridis
Coluber constrictor mormon
Coluber constrictor flaviventris
Pituophis catenifer
Thamnophis radix
Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis
Elgaria coerulea
Eumeces skiltonianus
Chrysemys picta
Bufo americanus
Hyla regilla
Pseudacris crucifer
Pseudacris maculata
Rana pipiens
I wanna give a big thank you to all the nice people that went out with us in BC;
Mitch and Joey, John, Owain and Lindsay and Scott!
Here is some pictures from the trip
First the BC shots
Crotalus oreganus, in situ

Crotalus oreganus

Crotalus oreganus

Crotalus oreganus

Crotalus oreganus



Alligator lizard

Pseudacris maculata

Also managed to see a bluetailed skink but I never got a shot of it
After BC we headed for Alberta and found perhaps 20 Crotalus viridis at a den
Crotalus viridis

After Alberta we went to Saskatchewan and saw more prarierattlers among other stuff
Thamnophis radix

Yellowbellied Racer


big male viridis

And ended the trip in Inwood snake dens

We also saw some cool mammals on the trip
Red fox, Manitoba

Big horn sheep, BC

And grizzly bears in the rockies

List of herps found on the trip
Crotalus oreganus
Crotalus viridis
Coluber constrictor mormon
Coluber constrictor flaviventris
Pituophis catenifer
Thamnophis radix
Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis
Elgaria coerulea
Eumeces skiltonianus
Chrysemys picta
Bufo americanus
Hyla regilla
Pseudacris crucifer
Pseudacris maculata
Rana pipiens
I wanna give a big thank you to all the nice people that went out with us in BC;
Mitch and Joey, John, Owain and Lindsay and Scott!