Ball Python won't eat


Old Timer
Oct 12, 2007
Not meaning to play Devil's Advocate, here, but the post above, arguing Kid Dragon's, spurred me to do some research.

There are many areas within the ball python's range which do, in fact, drop into the 60s at night. Check the Central African Republic, for example. Ghana also can go below 70. Mali has average lows sometimes in the high 50s.

Of course, even on nights that the temps drop that low, the days can get back into the 80s.

So, this would lead me to conclude that ball pythons SHOULD be absolutely fine in an air-conditioned house (mid-70s or so) as long as they are provided with a sufficient basking area.

My ball python, a 3' female, lives in my 78-80 degree room in a 20 gal long with a UTH that brings one side of her tank to 94. She has two hides, one on the warm side, one on the cool side...and she eats like there's no tomorrow.


Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
I don't think it will help in this particular situation, but I can tell you in general what we did with our adult male BP who decided to fast.
He had been fasting for several months, we still offered food once a week, but it (a small frozen thawed rat) was always refused.
Just to see if it would work Matthias on a whim offered him a small f/t mouse, he snatched it and gulped it down.
So my suggestion would be to try different prey.
And do something about the conditions in which that animal is kept. Are you sure the lady who owns this little BP really knows how to keep snakes? It sure doesn't sound like it.

Meaningless End

Old Timer
Oct 9, 2006
kid dragon.. let me put it this way for you.. i could servive in the 60s in a jail cell with crap food and nothing but a bench to sleep on.. but that dosent mean i want to.

if you can do better for your snake dont you think you should? yes its ok for ball pythons to drop to temps into the 60s but a basking spot is still verry importaint. honistly... no lieing.. when is the last time your snakes shed in one full piece? i realy doubt it was recently... can they servive in low hummidity... sure.. but that dosent mean its comfterable for them.

the moral of my story is just because your snakes can servive at the bare minnimum it dosent mean they should have to. they diserve a proper enviorment.. ya im sure theyre fine.. but im sure they could be allot better..

get what im saying?


Old Timer
Jun 17, 2008
Well I m currently trying the paper bag method as we speak on my two that wont eat Ill let you know how it worked out in the am


Cult Leader
Old Timer
May 20, 2008
If the snake hasn't lost much weight, its skin is not wrinkled, its spine isn't sticking out abnormally, then it's fine. But if it is/does, then I'd suggest assisst feeding.