Sounds good, I use scrubbing bubbles, lol, which apparently is harmful if absorbed through the skin, scratch the tub idea. I will bathe him in his travel case, which is a small sterilite about the size you noted. About the night light, if I turn that off the temp will drop to at the most 73 (glass tank too, so maybe more, I personally use all plastics cause of that reason). The light doesn't seem too disturbing, it's not very bright, but gets very hot, one of those UVB's (obviously, lol). Is it bad that they're daytime light doesn't heat as well as the nighttime one, seems odd to me? I'm sure the pet store reccomended both, is there any reason (more money?) or some misconception that makes people belive it is a necessity? I'd like to know since in under a week he will be back in the owners care. Also, I put a brick in the tank to bask on, and it seemed to stress him out (the episode last night where he wouldn't move from the furthest corner away from the brick, so I took it out for now, :\ (actually did last night because I was concerned). Finally, I saw online that handling them a few minutes each day will tame them some. He's not wild, but my aunts youngest son said "if he tries to bite you, put your knuckle in his mouth". He hasen't tried to bite me at all so maybe the young boys just play a little rough? I held him twice yesterday, first him he kept wanting to take off so I just let him go hand to hand until he setteled down and I returned him. Second time was much later on and he sat on my lap for a while (unrestricted, but being pet) and didn't want to run. He hung vertically on my shirt for a while also, I think he is getting use to me (and the piece and quiet of no young kids cats and dogs). I've noticed they are like cats, he seems a lot more secure when he has a good grip with all four of his extremities. Sorry for another long post, but it dawned on me yesterday, the didn't tell me one single thing except he eats "this" and will drink from droplets on his snout, I'lll be sure to suggest those on a care sheet... haha. Thanks again for all your help with this cute guy. (btw my mother seems to recall him being about 1.5 years)