Babysitting Mr Beardie


Old Timer
Oct 3, 2006
Sounds good, I use scrubbing bubbles, lol, which apparently is harmful if absorbed through the skin, scratch the tub idea. I will bathe him in his travel case, which is a small sterilite about the size you noted. About the night light, if I turn that off the temp will drop to at the most 73 (glass tank too, so maybe more, I personally use all plastics cause of that reason). The light doesn't seem too disturbing, it's not very bright, but gets very hot, one of those UVB's (obviously, lol). Is it bad that they're daytime light doesn't heat as well as the nighttime one, seems odd to me? I'm sure the pet store reccomended both, is there any reason (more money?) or some misconception that makes people belive it is a necessity? I'd like to know since in under a week he will be back in the owners care. Also, I put a brick in the tank to bask on, and it seemed to stress him out (the episode last night where he wouldn't move from the furthest corner away from the brick, so I took it out for now, :\ (actually did last night because I was concerned). Finally, I saw online that handling them a few minutes each day will tame them some. He's not wild, but my aunts youngest son said "if he tries to bite you, put your knuckle in his mouth". He hasen't tried to bite me at all so maybe the young boys just play a little rough? I held him twice yesterday, first him he kept wanting to take off so I just let him go hand to hand until he setteled down and I returned him. Second time was much later on and he sat on my lap for a while (unrestricted, but being pet) and didn't want to run. He hung vertically on my shirt for a while also, I think he is getting use to me (and the piece and quiet of no young kids cats and dogs). I've noticed they are like cats, he seems a lot more secure when he has a good grip with all four of his extremities. Sorry for another long post, but it dawned on me yesterday, the didn't tell me one single thing except he eats "this" and will drink from droplets on his snout, I'lll be sure to suggest those on a care sheet... haha. Thanks again for all your help with this cute guy. (btw my mother seems to recall him being about 1.5 years)


Old Timer
Sep 19, 2005
They don't need heat at night unless it gets under 60*, the red bulb for night is not a UVB. UVB is a bright fluorescent bulb.
The reason the pet store recommended them is they simply have no idea on proper dragon care, very few pet stores do.
I'm sure the brick did stress him some, its to be expected. Dragons are creatures of habit and anything strange can stress them.

Cramming a finger in the mouth of a dragon won't do anything but make it afraid of you, if he does try to bite, pick him up any ways and hold him

The more I hear about how this dragon has been raised, the most I think the owner isn't a very good one, sorry if he is a friend/relative but there is no reason a teen can't research proper care. The dragon is sitting in a bare, dark cage with improper temps, its borderline abuse.

If the temps/UVB problem isn't sorted out fairly soon the dragon will end up with problems. Metabolic bone disease is a softening of the bones that is caused from lack of UVB,it can be fatal. A poor appetite is another symptom of no UVB.

It will only take around $50 to fix the problems with the cage and a bit of time rearranging the cage with some proper perches. I really hope the owner cares enough to fix everything.

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
You really should get rid of the sand entirely, it's more of a health risk than anything. If the salad is getting scattered over the tank, and if you're feeding him the crickets inside the tank :embarrassed: then he's at risk for eating sand by accident--which as someone else pointed out, can kill him.

Look into tile or astroturf or whatever else the keepers here use that isn't edible. :)


Old Timer
Oct 3, 2006
LOL, yes this is why I came here why I had him in my care. The bulb at night isn't red, it's purple. Hold on I'll check what the bulb says. Says exo-terra night glo- and the day one says day glo, no numbers on the bulb though. I do agree the tank being bare is a bit of a problem, and I noticed that right away. The finger in the mouth idea came from his 10 year old brother, so like I said, he probaly just doesn't like them because they are maybe a little rough. In regard to heating, I forgot to add there is a UTH on one half of the tank, so if I shut the night light off, he would probaly be fine on the UTH if he is cold. (I think) SOmeone said to chop up the greens so he doesn't throw them around which I've been doing, but he still seems to toss it, lol. At least he is eating the more healthy greens and ignoring the romain the owener gave me. I have been offering both, on seperate sides of the enclosure. I read they have a bit of difficultly recognizing standing water, so I've been misting his plant in the tank so hopefully he will get some H20 from that. I will take a picture in a bit of what it looks like in there now so maybe I can get him settled in to a slightly altered enclosure before the owners return. You all are the best, thanks again!


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Like I said before... I am soooo glad he's vacationing with you! :)

I've never been able to get Hugo to take water from a spoon, a dish, nothing.. so, every other day I soak him for 5 minutes or more. He absorbs water through his cloaca and is hydrated in that fashion.

You can also mist his salad a bit, before offering it. The water drops on the leaves and so on will be ingested right along with his food. (I do this for my Uro cuz he definitely doesn't get soaked and he won't touch a water dish) When misting, be sure not to rinse all the supps off... just a light misting.

Oh, and don't worry about him being cold at night... our house is 70'ish at night, and I turn off all the lizard lights at night with no ill effect. As it's been mentioned before, they just sleep better. (keep in mind not to feed him less than an hour before lights out, two hours is better... the heat helps him digest. I give my little fella a couple hours after lights on... feed 1st meal, and last meal is couple hours minimum before lights out)

It's funny that you mention they are like cats... they absolutely are!! Hugo rides on my chest daily. As soon as loses footing, he gets all squirmy and cranky... just like the diva cat, Aneesa. :rolleyes:

Anyhow, have fun with your guest while you have some time left. I won't be surprised if you end up wanting one of your own now. {D


Old Timer
Oct 3, 2006
I already do, except he is a little smelly, only when your face is near the tank though. I'm use to scorpions which don't smell, barely poop and are never do anything. Not use to having a head follow me wherever I go. Noticed last night it didn't look like he was breathing, like the skin wasn't moving like normal.. I gave a tiny tap with no response, open the top with no response, moved his tail... no response, lol.. then I pet his side a bit and he woke up a bit startled... They do some odd-ball things. But I already have a prediction. The owenr will be entering high school next year. Undoubtly he will discover hanging out with friends and going out is more fun than being home with his 6th grade brother. And my aunt is sort of mean, so I give it a month or less of her having to take care of his pet (even though she likes him) before she gives it to me. Shes like that, she wouldn't even tell him it would just be gone. LOL


Old Timer
Sep 19, 2005
I'm betting the smell is from the sand, even if the poo is removed daily is still develops a odor. I use non adhesive shelf liner for my dragon, I have 3 pieces and can just put a dirty piece in the wash and replace with a clean one.

I wouldn't recommend misting in the tank, if the temps are a bit low the raised humidity could cause a respiritory problem. They really don't need alot of water, I give mine a bath once a week or so, I also give him water or juice with an eye dropper sometimes. Like Aneesamuse said, misting the greens will give him plenty of water.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
Maybe I should clarify... I didn't mean to mist IN the tank... only the greens while you're preparing them. ;)