baby cornsnake


Old Timer
Dec 16, 2008
I dont know How Close you are to a hatchery of any kind but see HERE that quail eggs are acceptable...Mabey this would be a better fit for the size of snake you are daeling with...Be sure not to feed to many....It says in the artical not to many as it is not good for it to eat to many...but if your having trouble getting it to eat this may be another route to go..Just to ensure some nutrition is making it in there....But What I would do If I were you, Is make good friends with your local mice breeder and have them call you the moment a new litter is born so that you can have Freshly born Babies this may trigger "a want to eat" instinct from your snake.And if all else fails Herp Vet


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Well, the snake doesn't look skinny yet.. so that's good.

If you really start getting worried, you can force feed pinkie tails. They aren't the most nutritious, but it would be SOMETHING.

Hope the lil guy gets to eatin' soon!


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2009
My what big Eyes you have...

I prefer live feeding youngsters...



Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
I dont know How Close you are to a hatchery of any kind but see HERE that quail eggs are acceptable...Mabey this would be a better fit for the size of snake you are daeling with...Be sure not to feed to many....It says in the artical not to many as it is not good for it to eat to many...but if your having trouble getting it to eat this may be another route to go..Just to ensure some nutrition is making it in there....But What I would do If I were you, Is make good friends with your local mice breeder and have them call you the moment a new litter is born so that you can have Freshly born Babies this may trigger "a want to eat" instinct from your snake.And if all else fails Herp Vet
Thank you for the suggestions, even new borns have been way to big for him though. :eek: We've thought about quail eggs, but we're having a hard time finding a place to get them. Oh and don't worry, my moms the reptile specialist vet tech, and we have two herp vets working at our clinic, we're all stumped as to what to do next, and they agree theres no way he could eat a new born pinkie. We may have to really start force feeding him.

Well, the snake doesn't look skinny yet.. so that's good.

If you really start getting worried, you can force feed pinkie tails. They aren't the most nutritious, but it would be SOMETHING.

Hope the lil guy gets to eatin' soon!
Thanks, we're cutting up pinkies now and when we get back we may try force feeding him. And thank you, so do we, but for now, he's still active and drinking plenty, so I don't think I'm as worried as the rest of my family, I'm worried, but... he's not really showing signs of slowing down.

I prefer live feeding youngsters...

Perhaps you didn't read my earlier posts, even a new born was WAAAAAY to big for him, AND we already tried live. next time read the tread before posting, k?


Other than that, we tried forcefeeding a cricket which he spit out (I don't blame him, if they smell that bad, I don't want to even think of what they taste like :rolleyes: ) we had his fecal examined at the vet and there were no parasites (not that we were expecting any) but there was some mobile bacteria.

I just want to say thanks to everyone thats contributed to this thread, my mom and our vet both have a running thread on some other forums (VIN and VSPN) and we're getting a lot of good advice, so thank you, hopefully we'll get him to eat soon, and I'll be sure to keep updating this thread. We can have a party when he finally eats. :D


Old Timer
Dec 16, 2008

I have never tried this befor but my corn snake ate live crickets last night..he eats mice once a week but also went crazy for the crickets....I would also try super worms or butter worms somthing that squirms a lot


Old Timer
Dec 16, 2008

Mabey it would be easyier to suggest pray if you could post a pic of you holding the snake for size comparison


Old Timer
Jun 1, 2006
Imo you should still try live pinks. I've raised many many baby corns, milks and kings, never were they too small to take the smallest pinks. Honestly if that snake wanted it he could've swallowed the pink you have in the picture above, of course there's always the possibility of regurg but I bet he could swallow it. I just think its really really rough on a snake to be force fed.

And if you havent tried a live pink in a delicup, overnight, somewhere dark and quiet, try that.

I'm really sorry you're having such a bum time with your new baby. Some of them you just can't save, maybe you should try another baby if possible, bring that one back to who you got it from??


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009

I have never tried this befor but my corn snake ate live crickets last night..he eats mice once a week but also went crazy for the crickets....I would also try super worms or butter worms somthing that squirms a lot
We'll keep trying crickets, so far no luck, but thank you. We also have some mealworms so maybe we could try those.


Mabey it would be easyier to suggest pray if you could post a pic of you holding the snake for size comparison
I've never liked doing reference with hands, because you can't know how big my hands are, if you scroll up, its a dark picture but thats him compared to a new born pinkie.

Imo you should still try live pinks. I've raised many many baby corns, milks and kings, never were they too small to take the smallest pinks. Honestly if that snake wanted it he could've swallowed the pink you have in the picture above, of course there's always the possibility of regurg but I bet he could swallow it. I just think its really really rough on a snake to be force fed.
Trust me, there is NO WAY, maybe he's a runt, but a newborn pinkie 4x as wide as he was. We've had petstores, AND reptile vets tell us there is NO way he could eat it. Why continously buy these live mice only for them to wiggle in the enclosure for days before if finally dies?

And if you havent tried a live pink in a delicup, overnight, somewhere dark and quiet, try that.
we tried that

I'm really sorry you're having such a bum time with your new baby. Some of them you just can't save, maybe you should try another baby if possible, bring that one back to who you got it from??
We're hoping to save this one, we don't have the money to be putting down $60+ dollars on another blizzard corn. And we can't get ahold of the guy we got him from.


Nov 8, 2009
:( I'm so truly sorry that you're having so much trouble feeding your little bugger. He is stubborn, isn't he. It's definately important to find small enough newborns for him or he won't eat them. If you could only find one small enough, warming it up to 104F in a baggie immersed in hot water & then gently dropping it near him may do the trick. I know that you've tried many things & nothing has worked, but maybe it will.
I was warming up my newborns for Squiggle :)) she was 2 months & about the thickness of a pencil when I got her), but she still refused to eat them. I finally called the store & found out that it had to be warmed to 104 for her. It's a longshot, I'm sure, but I figured I'd share anyway. Hope your little one eats for you soon.


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
thought I'd go ahead and update this. We never got him to eat, he died sometime yesterday. :(


Old Timer
Oct 14, 2007
thought I'd go ahead and update this. We never got him to eat, he died sometime yesterday. :(
Wow Ariel, I'm so sorry. That's so strange, corns are generally really good eaters. Maybe you should try again with one that's a bit bigger? Also, I skimmed the thread but couldn't see if you had purchased it from a pet store or an expo? If you bought him from a pet store, maybe you should get your next one from an expo from a good, legit, honest vendor. They'll sell snakes that are eating.



Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
She got him from an expo, I believe :(

So sorry to hear that Ariel. I had a baby BP like that.. had two babies from the same clutch, one was a pig and one never did eat and I lost her :(


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Wow Ariel, I'm so sorry. That's so strange, corns are generally really good eaters. Maybe you should try again with one that's a bit bigger? Also, I skimmed the thread but couldn't see if you had purchased it from a pet store or an expo? If you bought him from a pet store, maybe you should get your next one from an expo from a good, legit, honest vendor. They'll sell snakes that are eating.

We got him from the expo. most of the LPS here have a "if they don't eat, we don't sell them" rule, of course petco and petsmart don't, but we've got some honest people working there, and they straight out tell us if they're eating or not, we even had one tell us to wait to purchase a recently arrived animal so it can get over the stress of shipping and get a chance to eat.

I do not think the man we got our corn from was very honest. He said that he'd eaten a 1-2 day old pinkie a week before we bought him, and I just can't believe it, especially after having seen the size difference between him and the baby pinkie.

She got him from an expo, I believe :(

So sorry to hear that Ariel. I had a baby BP like that.. had two babies from the same clutch, one was a pig and one never did eat and I lost her :(
It sucks, but it happens, not everyone is fit for survival. We think he must have been recently hatched when we bought him, and possibly ill.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
Yeah, that's how I see it too... they aren't all meant to live.

Better luck next time..