b vagans


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
IF I have my B vagans for about two weeks now which is think two inches. As far I know he / she hasnt ate anything since I have had it. there is water always out of course..Can someone tell me why (if she hasnt eating I put a cricket in there maybe two days ago and I can't find it but its a small cricket) she hasn't eating? her rump has a bare patch on it so no hair is on it in a certain area but its like a really light tan color.


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
Well its one of two things.

Your T is full and does not feel like eating anymore,

Or your T is in premolt. That patch you say you see will get dark and that is the signal that the molt is near.

As long as she has access to water and looks healthy there is nothing to worry about. For me I find it fun when my Ts molt because I rarely handle them so they dont lose much hair and I dont get to see to many signs that a molt is coming so its always a suprise.


Old Timer
Feb 28, 2007
Well its one of two things.

Your T is full and does not feel like eating anymore,

Or your T is in premolt. That patch you say you see will get dark and that is the signal that the molt is near.

As long as she has access to water and looks healthy there is nothing to worry about. For me I find it fun when my Ts molt because I rarely handle them so they dont lose much hair and I dont get to see to many signs that a molt is coming so its always a suprise.
So basically it can still be full from the time before it was shipped out up until now? ( i know they can go a while without food but that seems like a long time for a 1 -2 incher...)


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
I have had a 1" G. Rosea sling refuse food for 5 months. It happens. They fast for whatever reasons they feel like it basically. So your in the clear. Like I said as long as it looks heathly and has water its all good..... offer food every 3rd day or so and if its not takin in a few hours remove it, I say that because at that size if it does molt a cricket can do some damage to a T while it is molting even kill it.