B.vagans silly behaviour


Jan 21, 2011
My vagans (skillet) is always remodelling her hidey making new tunnels and entrances closing off old ones etc. One morn I walked in and she was nowhere to be seen. Looked in her hidey wasn't there...hmmmm no sign of any new burrows and so forth. Poof it was like she was gone! I knew she couldn't get out but it crossed my mind. I lightly brushed the substrate which is completly matted over. Sure enough there was a skittering! HAHA reminded me of tremors! I guess it freaked her out more, cause when I lightly lifted one side up she bolted out and landed squarrely in her waterdish! Needless to say she has no more interest in venturing under her mat anymore.


Old Timer
Feb 27, 2006
Wow. I've had snakes do that (squish themselves under one layer of paper towel) but never had a T do that.

My vagans though HAS done a B movie spider/trapdoor manuver. (sorta).

She had burrowed from the corner of the cage up through the middle and had created a perfect quarter sized hole which she partialy covered.

I cool my crickets down in the fridge in order to be able to pick them up easier. This spider was easly takeing down large crickets so I simply put one stunned cricket about an inch away from the hole.

I was feeding other spiders when I looked up and saw a leg at the hole enterence. Joined by another leg - grasefuly coming up and down. Then she slooooowly rose up and peeked over the edge of the hole at the cricket, that by this time was twitching.

I watched, and she watched as the cricket recovered and flipped itself over (it had been upside down). She EXPLODED out of that hole, snatched the cricket and popped back down the hole.

I was laughing so hard I practicalty WAS on the floor at this point.

It was a never to be repeated event that I wish I could have caught on video. (she is larger now and in a larger enclouser with a hide.)


Nov 22, 2010
B. vagans need their own thread in here. When my girlfriend taps on the side of the vagans enclosure, it walks over to her pretty much every time and puts its legs up on the sides. Strange.


Jan 21, 2011
She also gets real active when I play our acuistic bass guitar. I don't know if it's certain bass notes or if it's cause I sound bad! My T room is part music room because of the humidity. We don't get too loud cause of the T's but low notes seem to bug my vagans.


Old Timer
May 20, 2009
B. vagans need their own thread in here.
+1 on that idea! Maybe this one should be it.

As I've stated many times on this forum, my vagans is the life of the party - he may even get his own Facebook page one of these days. And he is one evil dude - I get the feeling that as he sits motionless in his lair, he meditates on what mischief he can cause next. He doesn't disappoint!


Old Timer
Jan 9, 2010
She also gets real active when I play our acuistic bass guitar. I don't know if it's certain bass notes or if it's cause I sound bad! My T room is part music room because of the humidity. We don't get too loud cause of the T's but low notes seem to bug my vagans.
Vagans are quite the characters =) Ours comes out and hangs on the side of the glass when my son plays his guitar. One of my favorite T's in the collection.