I bought it as a 1 inch sling in july 2008 it molted last month if it hasnt become a MM by now its def a female then right? he/she is pushing 3 yrs old
I bought a 2nd instar versi in october 09..it molted that same month on the 21st....then again 7 more times throught the year, matureing molt was october 31st 2010...it was a male....so a total of 8 molts on my care.This versi was fed regularly, and kept at about 72-83 degrees for the most part....hopes this helps ya out.Chances are you have a female!...congrats
I havent been able to get a viable molt to tell the sex myself proves to tricky for myself id say the versi is about 3.5 inches for sure. If it isnt gonna molt again till next yr it would be maturing at almost 4 yrs old so it has to be female by that standard i suppose.
Clue: Best way for you is to look underneath at the booklungs- avics are pretty easily sexed that way (generally) by the form of the epiandrous fusillae.
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