avics vs. togo starburst


Old Timer
Feb 19, 2003
ok i bought an avic species from the pet store today. so this is my first arboreal species. it seems content in its critter keeper and im getting a togo starburst on tuesday and I have done my research I've checked all over the net and I own the Tarantula keepers guide, along with a few other tarantula books and the reason I ask question here is to get more detailed info from people who allready have the spiders. so don't preach at me telling me to do my research before I buy. thats what im doing. so any information as far as housing or generalized care, or just experiences with either of these species please let me know thanks.

Aboreal Rayne

Old Timer
Mar 7, 2003
Well I don't acually own a Togo Starburst (I wouldn't mind it though...) However I've heard some interesting things about this African Aboreal. First off this tarantula is found in the savanna, therefore it's not a HUGE fan of humidity. Humidity is good, but don't over do it. And although you don't want to be preached to I have to add my disclaimer: This tarantula is rumored to be so fast you can't track it with your eye, I've seen it talked about as the "Teleporting T". In other words I would treat it like a death-row in mate. And then there is the obvious bite hazards, if you've done any home-work at all then you would know the hazards...
I've also heard of instances of this particular spider accually attacking people that invade thier space, rather than retreat...

Hopes this helps man....

Oh yeah, did I mention not to get bit...

~Aboreal Rayne~


Old Timer
Sep 1, 2002
My H maculata was the fastest growing tarantula I have ever come across. It went from a tiny spiderling into adulthood in under 6 months. It is a nasty species though and wont hesitate to strike at the slightest dusturbance. They like to web a lot and mine is a good disply spider but some like to hide.


Old Timer
Mar 14, 2003
If you're a beginner (as I am.) with Arboreals, the Togo Sunburst is not the right species to be owning IMHO. I'm sticking with my Avics. I just love it when they do their little laps around the side of the enclosures when I open the lid. It's not so much of a problem with my A. avicularia anymore because she's constructed a very nice tube web. But my A. aurentiaca is another story. Blondie is still 3/4 of an inch long. But she is a fast little sucker who likes to take laps around the jar lip when I open it.

Bob the thief

Old Timer
Dec 29, 2002
Prepare to capture a teleporting spider.

Since you have reasarched the possible chance of death or losing an apendage i cant say more


Old Timer
Mar 14, 2003
Originally posted by Bob the thief
Prepare to capture a teleporting spider.

Since you have reasarched the possible chance of death or losing an apendage i cant say more
I sure hope when you refer to death you mean death of the spider and not the owner from a bite.

Bob the thief

Old Timer
Dec 29, 2002
Allergic reaction :p
I know I know but he seems to have no idea what protiens are capable of


Old Timer
Mar 14, 2003
Am I glad I'm not allergic to anything. I'm trying to talk a local Petstore owner out of buying a Starburst. They really have no experience with taking care of the more aggressive spiders let alone a huge, fast, aggressive arboreal.

Bob the thief

Old Timer
Dec 29, 2002
All my african arboeals are treated with utmost care when they are moved , fed , handled.
3 years , no escapes, no bites , no "almosts"
Many of the ways of feeding them and such of my own invention.
Lots of modification to the terreria.

These guys test my limits on spider knowhow. I have to know how to spot where it is even when hidden I have to find ways of feeding it safely so there is a 99% chance of not getting bit.
I have to find ways to lower my escape rates greatly.
All becuase I know what these guys are like.
Its not like a dog you cant just buy then learn along the way you have to know everything offhand. There is very little margin for mistakes.

That is why they say its not a good starter species you or somone with you can get really hurt or lose a finger or worse.
How would you feel if you had that thing escape in your house and you cant find it? How would you feel If you had a child there and the child got bitten by accident from the escaped spider?
You cant make many mistakes with these guys.
Its for your own good.


Old Timer
Apr 4, 2003
Hey bob,
You need to tell Pategirl about the loosinng t's things, she either looses a T or a snake everyother week (though 95% she finds them 1% her mother steps on them and 4% are gone for good.). But here is a question for ya, what is a good spider for someone who is alergic (mild- bad) to the hair of a curly hair, and one bee sting can swell my leg the size of a canlope.


Old Timer
Feb 27, 2003
Gotta start sometime


Go for it if you feel ready. Be cautious and good luck. I'll get to the hazardous species in due time myself. You're in the right place to prep for it.


Bob the thief

Old Timer
Dec 29, 2002
Originally posted by Deathreaver
Hey bob,
You need to tell Pategirl about the loosinng t's things, she either looses a T or a snake everyother week (though 95% she finds them 1% her mother steps on them and 4% are gone for good.). But here is a question for ya, what is a good spider for someone who is alergic (mild- bad) to the hair of a curly hair, and one bee sting can swell my leg the size of a canlope.

hummm , chacos are good
Very rarely does it kick hairs (you need to REALLY stress them) but all T's have venom so with allergys , theres no way to get around them. Just dont handle them even the calmest nicest spider can bite seemingly without provocation becuase it can be scared by a sudden vibration or suddenly somone slams a door.


Old Timer
Apr 5, 2003
I hesitate to tell someone NOT to get a spider, but in my opinion, its def. not the greatest begginer spider..

not for any other reason except, NON-KNOWLEDGE... its one thing to read about hockey and watch it,but when youre actually out there the first couple of times, its nothing like you imagined...

I WANT to say: wait untill youve had a more agressive AB species, or WAIT untill you feel more confident, since they are NOTHING like AVICs except for the AB/Tree thing, and i do want to say NO MATTER WHAT YOU READ its much different in real life, since not EVERY T is exactly the same, as we know..

but i think im going to tell you to get it, if you feel sure of your self and are a confident person, though i guess you don't like people preaching to you, we are just trying to help and let you know some real world things. like i said in the beggining, I hesitate to tell someone NOT to get a T, but at the same time, my real world experience and thoughts, along with maybe 90% of the people on this board, would be somewhere along the lines of :

1) make sure you know what youre getting into
2) be prepared
3) ask all your questions first, not along the way

just a word of caution from the older T people!

good luck if you get em, they're really cool Ts... i have a REAL agressive one, and one not as agressive, so go figure.. this is also coming from the guy who has a bunch of T's, and the one he's the MOST afraid of is a really big, mean G.rosea.. i mean, i've held my T.blondi, but i'd never go anywhere NEAR this one G.rosea... haha each T is different my friend!

i sound un-cool with this post, huh? =D


Old Timer
Jul 17, 2002
Originally posted by Bob the thief

How would you feel if you had that thing escape in your house and you cant find it?
been there, done that....she was gone for 6 weeks.
One day, she came walking out from under my dresser in the closet, I guess she was ready to come back home
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