Australian PM slams US influencer filmed snatching baby wombat


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
This is what should be done

Australian govt hunts her down, holds her against her will for the rest of her life at a secret black site, or get extradited back to Australia for breaking the law and sent to prison.

People like this are sick.

Here’s her threads acct

and she’s a coward too, it’s always people who do stupid things that are quick to turn of their social media, in this case her IG acct. They don’t have the balls to live up to their behavior; she’s a sick person. You’d think a self-proclaimed hunter would be proud of her wombat “work” 🤮

“Sam Jones, who describes herself as an “outdoor enthusiast & hunter,” made her Instagram account private Thursday after she was widely condemned for the video”

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Arachnosupporter +
Mar 20, 2024
This is disgusting. That person makes me sick.

i don’t care what her side of the story is. How much attention and validation does a person need in life?

people who really love wildlife, find happiness sharing unsollicitated moments with nature. That moment is enough.

nature and wildlife is a privilege we have to witness. It’s sacred.

i just looked at pictures of her face while she’s handling the animal. Its a picture of shame. She’s left australia. I would be afraid of showing my face in public after such a stunt.
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The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
How much different is this from a trophy hunter proudly posing next to a dead animal? To which the crowd replies "This is different! A mother is involved." Type Trophy hunter images into your search engine. How different are those from that gleeful woman in the video?

At the pack station I used to watch the Haiwee herd each year. About 200 individuals. Then it was 50-75. Last time I checked I counted 17. Fish and Game Wildlife justifies it as over population control which it is, because the trophy hunters, legal and otherwise have slaughtered the predators. Once removed from what is seen in that video.

Viewed from the role of stewardship on this ball of dirt, paint it pink and pour perfume on it. Depredation is still depredation.

"Indignation is cheap. Even Albert Schweitzer's reverence for life didn't include the mosquito or tsetse fly."

Support the right to bear arms should have the reciprocal; support the right to arm bears.

Pardon my silly naive thinking. It's the traditionalist native mindset in me that wants to hold mother nature in reverence.
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Arachnosupporter +
Mar 20, 2024
How much different is this from a trophy hunter proudly posing next to a dead animal? To which the crowd replies "This is different! A mother is involved." Type Trophy hunter images into your search engine. How different are those from that gleeful woman in the video?

At the pack station I used to watch the Haiwee herd each year. About 200 individuals. Then it was 50-75. Last time I checked I counted 17. Fish and Game Wildlife justifies it as over population control which it is, because the trophy hunters, legal and otherwise have slaughtered the predators. Once removed from what is seen in that video.

Viewed from the role of stewardship on this ball of dirt, paint it pink and pour perfume on it. Depredation is still depredation.

"Indignation is cheap. Even Albert Schweitzer's reverence for life didn't include the mosquito or tsetse fly."

Support the right to bear arms should have the reciprocal; support the right to arm bears.

Pardon my silly naive thinking. It's the traditionalist native mindset in me that wants to hold mother nature in reverence.
i hear your point, on the hunting thing.

in this situation, wombats are a protected animal, and there are strict rules in place.

which is why its worse.

we can’t stop people from hunting giraffes in game reserves that allow this. I just don’t see the challenge, or point.

to me, hunting, is when you are in the forest for hours, tracking a prey, that you will hunt, and use all of it. Not to post a photo, but to feed your family.

of course, this is a personal view. So i don’t think my opinion matters.

i just think theres a difference between someone hunting one deer a year, vs someone spending over 10k, just to take a photo of themselves with an animal that really isn’t meat.

even there i have issues, if its a rare endangered species. But its another subject and i dont want to start a debate.

the wombat was harassed for entertainement.

that wombat apparently also had a skin illness. Mange. Who handles sick animals like that? I don’t care if it was the ugliest animal. It deserves respect. That animal, is more important, then the person who violated its rights: in australia, these animals have rights.
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The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
@TheraMygale I agree, up to a point.
Let's look at the plight of the American Bison. Hunted to near extinction in the government promoted native genocide program, taking away the principal food source. Then instead of individuals acting ethically the same government had to reluctantly step in and prohibit most of the slaughter. Then the government has to step in again because of the disruption of the ecosystems and environment and issue hunting permits. And of course the general mindset is ever present denigrating and ridiculing the conservation crowd.
What obviously is missing is a lack of peronal morals and ethics along with education in the generations of gung ho hunters, always handing off responsibility to big brother so they don't have to act responsible. Which assumes the government is infallible and uncorruptable.

Where is the inner voice in that womans head telling her she shouldn't do that? It's there somewhere, but shouted down by her pursuit of personal entertainment and examples set by a society that gives little or no thought to the future. Her ethical obligations over-ruled by personal gratification. Just like trophy hunters.
I'm reminded of the several decades in the US where the word ecology was scorned and scoffed at by the majority of the US population. Environmental activists were given the same labels as the conscientious objectors of the Vietnam war. Words I can't use here on AB as overly offensive. (It got me a warning here, but it was okay to call me those words when I was objecting to that war and again when I was an active member of Earth First!. Double standards galore myself included as I packed trophy hunters into the mountains. Paid the bills and my salary. But I did use a hunters $100 bill tip for target practice so that makes me holy? Or stupid.)

I need no face I need no name
No martyr's artificial shame
No crucifix I am not lame
And yet I ache to feel the flame ...
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Arachnosupporter +
Mar 20, 2024
i don’t know if i am still on same page as you?

what would you want, in terms of the Bison, if you could have it?

pretty sure we are on same page about the wombat thing. That person is not even human. They are a product of society’s self validating need. Self serving agenda.
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The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
i don’t know if i am still on same page as you?
Just to mention, I'm Lakota. We have certain sentiments in regards to the buffalo, but that is our private business and steeped in tradition. Same goes for all predation.


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 20, 2024
Just to mention, I'm Lakota. We have certain sentiments in regards to the buffalo, but that is our private business and steeped in tradition. Same goes for all predation.
I know. Which is why i asked.

its hard to have a conversation about the subject, if no opinions are stated.

which i respect.
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The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
its hard to have a conversation about the subject, if no opinions are stated.
Three traditional aspects. The natural and spiritual worlds are integral and the involvement in them is entirely private shared by none, even the closest relative. The tribal, which recognizes the individuals relationship and incorporates the recognition into the social affairs, and more nebulous, intertribal gatherings which are the most mundane. Essentially the polar opposite to modern religions. Natural-spiritual a basis for our commonality many tribes share. but that 'core' is very private and personal. So no, conversations? About what?
How this relates to this thread topic is glaringly obvious and strikes a chord in many peoples. She violated the first natural spiritual law: no dignity or self respect thus no respect for anything else. Nothing to talk about really. Just extending contempt with people, some not fully grasping why they feel the contempt; what I call the heart song. That woman very much out of touch with that song.
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Old Timer
Dec 18, 2004
I think everyone needs to pull away from the computer. She grabbed a common wombat. Not rare, not endangered. Not even threatened. They are treated like American trash pandas. A lot of farmers shoot common wombats on sight and do the old shovel and shut up trick.
What makes what she did any different then what hundreds of others have done for fame. Whole shows are created by people running up grabbing the first living thing they see and show off for a camera.

What's the difference? Oh one was from your childhood, so he is ok. the other is some rando online. Is that want makes the difference?

As for the native thing, who was first? Are you sure, because I know you are not.


Old Timer
Dec 18, 2010
I think everyone needs to pull away from the computer. She grabbed a common wombat. Not rare, not endangered. Not even threatened. They are treated like American trash pandas. A lot of farmers shoot common wombats on sight and do the old shovel and shut up trick.
What makes what she did any different then what hundreds of others have done for fame. Whole shows are created by people running up grabbing the first living thing they see and show off for a camera.

What's the difference? Oh one was from your childhood, so he is ok. the other is some rando online. Is that want makes the difference?

As for the native thing, who was first? Are you sure, because I know you are not.
.........and, by the way, who was the Aussie holding the camera and kind of egging her on............or at least exhibiting amusement with the whole thing?


Old Timer
Dec 18, 2004
.........and, by the way, who was the Aussie holding the camera and kind of egging her on............or at least exhibiting amusement with the whole thing?
How in the world am I suppose to know? I have not seen the video, just the pics. But does it matter. Steve irwin was allowed to do it because someone egged him on? Or was he allowed to do it because no one egged him on? What exact difference is there?