Aussie goliath


Old Timer
Oct 10, 2008
Here are some photos of my Phlogius sp."aussie goliath" This one looks to be carring eggs even though she has never been within 3000 miles of a male and she is rather small! what do you think?



Old Timer
Mar 18, 2009
You're killing me, I can't wait til she gets here :p Long ways, I hope the trip is kind to her. If I know this genus, I'm sure she'll let me know exactly how she felt about it lol

As to your original question, I don't know what to make of that. I would think they'd only look like that gravid....


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
You're killing me, I can't wait til she gets here :p Long ways, I hope the trip is kind to her. If I know this genus, I'm sure she'll let me know exactly how she felt about it lol

As to your original question, I don't know what to make of that. I would think they'd only look like that gravid....
I thought you had some of these? When I got mine I thought I read that you got some too around that same time. Did you sell them off?

They are one of my favorites too.


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2009
I thought you had some of these? When I got mine I thought I read that you got some too around that same time. Did you sell them off?

They are one of my favorites too.
I had one, a male that matured and died in a rough shipping. Why I didn't buy more when I had the chance can only be chalked up to idiocy. Now, Josh is giving me a chance at having a female and I'm so stoked for her to get here!


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
I had one, a male that matured and died in a rough shipping. Why I didn't buy more when I had the chance can only be chalked up to idiocy. Now, Josh is giving me a chance at having a female and I'm so stoked for her to get here!
Ah, ok.. Good luck with your new girl. She looks great.


Sep 1, 2010
Gosh darnet another T to add to my wish list :D they are really beautiful T's :D im guessing they have a attitude :D


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2007
Gosh darnet another T to add to my wish list :D they are really beautiful T's :D im guessing they have a attitude :D
Yes, but I don't see any of mine very often. They have very elaborate burrows so they always have a place to run and hide. Mine, at least, prefer to do that.


Old Timer
Oct 10, 2008
Actually they are just really flighty! I packed up three this morning and not a threat pose or nothing they just wanted to run and hide!


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2009
Yeah, thats been my experience with them as well. My largest crassipes for whatever reason never dug a burrow so he's pretty ornery but for the most part, they all dive into their burrow at the slightest provocation


Sep 9, 2008
The thing about Aussie T's, we have found in the hobby over here in oz is that some individuals can be bred at smaller sizes then what was previously thought. We have seen Phlogius Crassipes that reach 9" producing sacs at only 5", and the same goes for sp. Sarina and Phlogius Crassipes 'Eunice' that reach 8" producing sacs also at 5", even though they didn't appear to be mature. It is probably an adaptation our T's have to cope with the harsh seasons in Australia and I wouldn't be surprised if Phlogius sp. Goliath do the same. You can always try and breed your young females, and will be able to tell if she is unwilling, as an unreceptive female will frantically push the male away.


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2006
Wicked Oz T!

I just want a Selenotholus sp. woodstock - it looks like an Aussy equivalent of the King Baboon my favourite Terrestrial T.

So thats on my wish list, same goes for Selenotypus Plumipes the Feather Leg!

Dam why havent I heard of these Baboon looking T's before?


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2009
The thing about Aussie T's, we have found in the hobby over here in oz is that some individuals can be bred at smaller sizes then what was previously thought. We have seen Phlogius Crassipes that reach 9" producing sacs at only 5", and the same goes for sp. Sarina and Phlogius Crassipes 'Eunice' that reach 8" producing sacs also at 5", even though they didn't appear to be mature. It is probably an adaptation our T's have to cope with the harsh seasons in Australia and I wouldn't be surprised if Phlogius sp. Goliath do the same. You can always try and breed your young females, and will be able to tell if she is unwilling, as an unreceptive female will frantically push the male away.
I think what he's saying is that his goliath has never been in contact with a male. He bought them as slings and has kept them separate so why the golden glow when candled?

Also, an 9" crassipes!?! Wow, I knew they could hit 8 but 9 is very cool.
2nd also, if you don't mind my asking, what is P. crassipes 'Eunice'? Do they look any different? Smaller, larger individuals from this location? Why the distinction?


Sep 9, 2008
Hi Jeff,
I may have misread the original post. Its quite interesting that they appear to be eggs, as Steve Nunn has only attempted to breed Aussie Goliaths once they hit the 6" mark for females, and even then getting a viable egg sac out of a female that small is still in doubt. So to see eggs in an individual that small is shocking to say the least. But if she is ready to breed, you may be able to establish this species inot your hobbies alot sonner than exepcted :).

Regarding Phlogius Crassipes, Dr Raven has declared these, alongside Phlogius sp.Goliath as Australia's largest spiders (and quite possibly the largest members of the Selenocosmia genus encompassing all Australian and related Asian genus belonging to the groups Haplopelma, Thrigmopoeinae and Poecilotheriinnae etc). You should also note that the African genus' are also related to the selencosmia, hence the reason why Phlogius and Hysterocrates look so similar, and why Selenotypus and Pelinobius also look similar. At this stage, whilst we do have 2 preserved 10" specimens of Phlogius sp. Goliath, its still early days for declaring a maximum size for Phlogius Crassipes, as the largest live specimens in the Australian hobby (around 2-3 individuals) at 9" are still growing. In saying that however, Steve Nunn has commented that he has young Phlogius sp.Goliaths (around 5-6 years of age) over 8", and equal in size to very old specimens of Phlogius Crassipes. There are links provided in a previous thread from 2 months ago on here for the photo's of these large specimens which can be found on the Green Scorpion webpage, under the tarantula forums.

Lastly, Phlogius Crassipes 'Eunice' are a geographical and colour variant of Phlogius Crassipes. Whilst Phlogius Crassipes have normal dark brown/greyish colouring, Phlogius Crassipes 'Eunice' will have a greyer (gun metal grey)appearance. 'Euince' are also easily idenitifable due ot the dark mask covering the front eye section of the carapace. Phlogius Crassipes 'Eunice' are a great species in their own right, and whilst not reaching the same sizes as the giant Kattibul population of Phlogius Crassipes, they will still get to 8" and alittle over and are very bold spiders once they reach maturity (mine rarely burrow). The Crassipes in your hobby belong to the Kattibul population, however you may find the odd 'Eunice' here and there. Finally, it is suggested that you do not interbreed Phlogius Crassipes and 'Eunice', as you want to keep the bloodlines as strong as possible.


Creeping beneath you
Old Timer
Oct 20, 2008
^Thanks for this, AussieT. Population/location info. & such get watered down tremendously by the time they reach the general tarantula trade. I didn't previously know about the distinction between crassipes locales. Excellent stuff!


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2009
I concur, thank you for all your info AussieT. Thats amazing to me about the sizes of the crassipes and goliaths at those ages, and exciting! As an aside, here's the female Josh sent to me in her home, she's just beautiful :D

I'll have to remember that about the differences between the Kattibul and Eunice forms. And look for a pic of the Eunice one, sounds like a good looking T!

I'd be curious to hear if Josh's female that he candled lays a sac, dud or not :?


Old Timer
Oct 10, 2008
I concur, thank you for all your info AussieT. Thats amazing to me about the sizes of the crassipes and goliaths at those ages, and exciting! As an aside, here's the female Josh sent to me in her home, she's just beautiful :D

I'll have to remember that about the differences between the Kattibul and Eunice forms. And look for a pic of the Eunice one, sounds like a good looking T!

I'd be curious to hear if Josh's female that he candled lays a sac, dud or not :?
Actually that one was one of 2 that candled and this one molted out of it! But i have a feeling at 4 inches she is sexually mature!