ausie T's


Old Timer
Jun 16, 2003
I've been away from the board for a while so am really curious about the introduction of ausie T's into the hobby.

i was under the impression they were either really rare or protected etc, so i was wondering how they got into the trade etc. did they open up the T's to be sold WC or are they just being exported as slings?

also i see their venom is supposedly worse than other T's, is that including pokies and the like?

anybody with any experience with them? i haven't seen any that really catch my eye so i was wondering how people like theirs?


Old Timer
Mar 3, 2006
thanks to the efforts of MJ and Steve and a few others, they are now available in the states in limited numbers..though i have heard that the venom is significant..the for mentioned would be better suited to address your questions.....


Old Timer
May 24, 2007
Kelly Swift has a couple for sale and said he is supposed to be getting more SP. instock.

I have seen them in the wild and they were fairly defensive. They stridulate a lot which is why they got the nickname barking and whistling spiders, though other T's do this as well. I suspect despite being defensive, you may have better luck with getting a docile one through Captive Breeding. The ones I found in Australia were a little bitey, but not nearly as much as the wild haplos I've played with before. They would click and hiss but if you got them onto your hand they ceased being defensive. As for what kind of Selenocosmia they were, I have no clue. A lot of them look very similar. When I finally found some I expected them to be more exotic, since almost everything else there is.

Saw some sydney funnel webs too, but those I was not so inclined to handle.