Attack of the cute fuzzy kind....


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
Ferrets are bad if you dont lock the cage tight enough (or dont have a lock that needs a key) because they are very smart and easily escape and get into everything, i've seen numerous videos of what happens when ferrets escape while the owner in not home, and the result was lots of shredding and ripping! Plus they can injure themsleves if they try to climb something or chew on wires.

They are entertaining little guys, but you need to give them plenty of excersice and stimulation they get bored quickly.


Old Timer
Sep 27, 2005
Rats are just as smart as ferrets. I forgot I left one of my rats on my bed and left to go somewhere, when I came back she had made a huge pile of cheerios behind my drumkit. She also knew the entire basement inside out. She figured out how to get on top of my head-board thats like a metre high where I keep food and she would bring it back to her cage to feed the other rat. Also, whenever, I give her a treat, she will go to her hide-out and bring me back a few pieces of her rat food as if she was returning the favour. My old rat, Cheeser would ring a bell in her cage anytime she ran out of food to let me know anytime I was in my room.. Rats are amazing.

Bill S

Old Timer
Oct 2, 2006
........ i've seen numerous videos of what happens when ferrets escape while the owner is not home....
I lost my first waterbed to a ferret who managed to get loose while I was away. I came home, sat on the bed, and discovered I was sitting in several inches of water. The ferret had gotten under the sheets and bit a series of holes from one end of the bed to the other one. I think he enjoyed the feeling of biting into soft plastic and "popping" it. Ferrets are active and curious, and mine wouldknock over and empty wastebaskets, dig dirt and plants out of flower pots, and generally get into as much trouble as possible. They eventually ended up living in an outdoor enclosure that they shared with a skunk. That worked out better for everybody, with the one drawback that whenever the ferrets had babies the skunk would try to adopt the babies as her own.