Atrax robustus


Old Timer
Apr 25, 2008
See, really the risks arent just what happens if you get bit. It would also put the hobby at risk, and if the spider did completely escape it would put others at risk, and if it was gravid it would put the local environment and population at risk. I dont feel comfortable knowing that someone who advertises his interests are "Anything that can kill me" and that describes his biography as "I skate, smoke weed, and like mean scary pets". Not to mention that you only have two inverts("6" emperor scorpion. 5' redtail boa 4''haitian giant centipede").

From here we can see that your being "99.99% sure" that it wont escape is pretty much impossible. What happens if you get stoned and decide to play with your spiders? Or even just forget to put the lid back on the cage?

While I agree that dangerous animals are interesting. Look for things that interest you on other, more observable, levels. Especially with your just starting out in the hobby.
Ok obviously you dont smoke. I have been smoking for over 6 years and let me tell you I think I make more sense high than sober. And those are not the only pets I own I have 2 more pedes now, also my family is into the exotic business and keep many snakes that are just as if not more complicated and dangerous than the spider. I think I will be fine. And if you want a pic of the enclosures I have for them i will post a pic but there is really no point. Im not trying to sound like a "know it all" or anything but I have family members who have been doing this for many years and are willing to help me in my hobby.


Old Timer
Jul 13, 2006
Ok obviously you dont smoke. I have been smoking for over 6 years and let me tell you I think I make more sense high than sober.
Actually I used to smoke, and the fact that you make more sense while high is a serious issue and you should probably lay off of it for awhile until you are back to normal.

And those are not the only pets I own I have 2 more pedes now, also my family is into the exotic business and keep many snakes that are just as if not more complicated and dangerous than the spider. I think I will be fine. And if you want a pic of the enclosures I have for them i will post a pic but there is really no point. Im not trying to sound like a "know it all" or anything but I have family members who have been doing this for many years and are willing to help me in my hobby.
Centipedes, snakes, and other 'exotics'(non invert) are different than spiders. They require different care, and different precautions. Going off a family member's experience is not the same as having the experience yourself and certainly does not give you the experience needed to even consider getting or trying to get one of these spiders.


Old Timer
Apr 25, 2008
Im glad your so concerned for my safety but let me worry about that. Read the name of the thread before you post again. thanks.:embarrassed:


Old Timer
Jul 13, 2006
Im glad your so concerned for my safety but let me worry about that. Read the name of the thread before you post again. thanks.:embarrassed:
Hmm, the name of the thread is "Atrax robustus" so what exactly do you mean by that?


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
Well cjm, what started out as an exchange of ideas on the subject of keeping very hot inverts seems to have degraded into a personal attack on you so for whatever part i inadvertently played in that i apologize.

Keeping hot critters basically boils down to your experience and comfort level. Since A robustus apparently aren't available in the US (IMO a good thing) this whole discussion is kind of moot. I'd also second the suggestion that you check out some of the trapdoor species for a similar appearance and aggression level. They can be pretty interesting to keep even though you don't see them a lot.

Btw, i'm with you on the smoking thing. You don't lose common your common sense when high. Now, i won't handle any of my inverts DRUNK but while otherwise 'illuminated' it doesn't impair me one little bit.


Old Timer
Apr 25, 2008
Hmm, the name of the thread is "Atrax robustus" so what exactly do you mean by that?
Well im sorry I make you sound so stupid but read put your cursor over the title of the thread and read the first and only sentence or this thread. If your in here talking to gain Epride or something take it somewhere else. Noone cares what you have to say obviously.


Old Timer
Apr 25, 2008
Well cjm, what started out as an exchange of ideas on the subject of keeping very hot inverts seems to have degraded into a personal attack on you so for whatever part i inadvertently played in that i apologize.

Finnaly someone replys with something useful in this thread. Thank you.

Keeping hot critters basically boils down to your experience and comfort level. Since A robustus apparently aren't available in the US (IMO a good thing) this whole discussion is kind of moot. I'd also second the suggestion that you check out some of the trapdoor species for a similar appearance and aggression level. They can be pretty interesting to keep even though you don't see them a lot.

I have been checking some out and it seems VERY hard to come by one in the US :( The A. Robustus is an amazing spider though and would be a extremely cool one to add to the collection.

Btw, i'm with you on the smoking thing. You don't lose common your common sense when high. Now, i won't handle any of my inverts DRUNK but while otherwise 'illuminated' it doesn't impair me one little bit.
Marijuana does not make you do stupid things as long as you dont have the intelect of a 8 year old.


Old Timer
Jul 13, 2006
Well im sorry I make you sound so stupid but read put your cursor over the title of the thread and read the first and only sentence or this thread. If your in here talking to gain Epride or something take it somewhere else. Noone cares what you have to say obviously.
Not part of the title of the thread. That is part of the body of your post. Anyways, I answered your question with my post that was made at 4:03pm Pacific Time.

Also, since you decided to make a personal attack on me with that I will respond with this:
I am not here to get 'e-pride' as I honestly have never heard the term, I am here because I care deeply about the hobby and as we can see from the reptile hobby the few can ruin it for the many. Going off your posts you seem to be a likely candidate for a member of the few. You clearly state in your profile anything that can kill you is of interest to you and you lack the experience that many of us have worked and studied for years to attain (I personally have 4 years in the invert hobby under my belt) to safely work with more dangerous animals. The fact that you are not taking the advice and learning from it but dismissing it and essentially saying "I know better than you because I just do." The hobby doesnt work that way, you have to admit your mistakes and move on. My main interest here is the well being of the hobby, with your well being and the well being of the other people who live with/around you right up there with that. Now who sounds "so stupid"?

I hope you read this and try to comprehend. I am not saying this to be condescending or anything of the like. Rather this is to try and get you to understand rather than just getting pissy.


Old Timer
Apr 25, 2008
Dang I would really like one of them. Oh well. I can find another trap door I have been thinking about trying out the Liphistius malayanus or a Ctenolophus sp. Anyone have info about the 2??:confused:


Old Timer
Jul 13, 2006
I have no experience with the Liphistius sp. but the Ctenolophus sp. are great trapdoors. Also, you may want to look into the Barychelidae trapdoors.


Old Timer
Apr 25, 2008
I think im gonna go with the red trap door. cheap and seems easy to take care of.


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
If you want to actually watch it eat take the jar out, remove the lid then leave it to sit quietly for a while before coming back to feed it. In my humble experience they're very skittish.

Bastian Drolshagen

Old Timer
Apr 14, 2005
am I the only one being tired of threads in which ppl are asking where to get A. robustus?!?
2 things:

If you really want to get this species you actually CAN! It takes some time and effort, but it is possible. But think about WHY you want to get this species! Is it because you´re interested in those spiders (besides the fact that those are highly venomous), or just in need for recognition?!?

2nd (and excuse my gaming jargon here ^^)
Since most of the ppl asking for Atrax are nOObs --> STFU!

Get yourself a Macrothele calpeiana (looking almost the same, easier to get, not as venomous...).

I´ve got to admit that I prefer venomous snakes (everything besides Elapids), but just because I don´t like snakes looking like worms, such as Lampropeltis or others where I don´t know where the body ends and the head starts ^^

I know, this reply comes in a lil late (read the whole topic), but had to mention it tho.

Trapdoorspiders are similar to keep as Atrax --> You won´t see it very often ^^

If you want to keep a trapdoorspider I would definetly recommend Barychelidae, since those can be seen from time to time and (in my opinon) look a lot better than most of the Idiopidae/Ctenizidae in the hobby.
A large jar will do, just fill it with 3/4 soil and put the spider inside.


Old Timer
Feb 21, 2006
But I am very fascinated by poisonous creatures.
I can appreciate your fascination, but youre clearly not ready to own something that hot when youre calling them "poisonous". Your best bet is to start with an A. avicularia and work your way up over many years. :embarrassed: