Sure, but try a small one (as big as the nymph itself)Originally posted by chuck
will they eat a freshly killed cricket?
The nymphs are not able to climb on smooth surfaces, so they can't reach the lid.Originally posted by chuck
if i keep the eggs in a kritter keeper and allow the nymphs to live in that, will they be small enought to crawl thru the slits?
update on the eggs - found another 3, a total of 8
You can cross breed them, but it's not sure if they WILL breed.Originally posted by chuck
im about to get a pair of white spotted assassins, anyone try to cross breed these? what will happen, new colors, infertile young, kill eachother?
do you mean yellow spots or yellow banded leggs?i ordered a pair of 1" white assassins, and well theyre not white. theyre yellow. are these the mombos?
correct !no spots and yellow banded legs. do only adults get the spots?
the eggs are allready fertilized when dropped,...would the female drop eggs and then the male fertilizes them?