Ariel's picture thread

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Your MET is quite stunning!! Makes me want one now.

hehe, thanks, seems she's quite popular :D


I need to take more pictures so I can add to this thread. I almost bought a new T today but it was way over priced. $40 for a 1/2in A. versi, $40 for an 1in OBT, $80 for a 2 1/2 in B. smithi :8o hopefully they won't seriously over price the GBB they're going to order for me.

Still, should get some new pics up soon, reptile show is sunday and i plan to pick up some new Ts then. :D
Where the hell do you shop???? $40 for a 1" unsexed OBT?????? :eek: I want some of the medication of whoever priced that thing!!! I got mine for like $5...people practically give those things away. If you have to pay $80 or a 2 1/2" B. smithi, it had better be a sexed and guaranteed female. Although, I bought my smithi at a LPS for $25 as a 2" sexed female (probably the best deal I've ever gotten).

Do yourself a favor, and order a GBB from Swift's. $35 + shipping, and you'll get a freebie OBT or H. mac out of the deal!!!! (Or a A. hentzi, B. vagans, B. albopilosum, or C. portoricae, but I'm not a NW terrestrial advocate anyways LOL) He has good prices on Pokies too.


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Your MET is quite stunning!! Makes me want one now.

Where the hell do you shop???? $40 for a 1" unsexed OBT?????? :eek: I want some of the medication of whoever priced that thing!!! I got mine for like $5...people practically give those things away. If you have to pay $80 or a 2 1/2" B. smithi, it had better be a sexed and guaranteed female. Although, I bought my smithi at a LPS for $25 as a 2" sexed female (probably the best deal I've ever gotten).

Do yourself a favor, and order a GBB from Swift's. $35 + shipping, and you'll get a freebie OBT or H. mac out of the deal!!!! (Or a A. hentzi, B. vagans, B. albopilosum, or C. portoricae, but I'm not a NW terrestrial advocate anyways LOL) He has good prices on Pokies too.
I cannot wait until she developes those black velvety legs :drool: :drool: :drool:

Well I don't shop their regularly, I just popped in there because I heard they had a nice selection of Ts. and they do, their just over priced. It was pretty crazy. :wall: luckily I didn't buy any. I might just do that, seeing their prices it'll pry be like $70 for a sling. :wall: Plus an OBT hmmmm.... "Wow look a freebie...I swear mom I didn't know he was going to send me an obt" {D
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Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Boy is he ever productive!!! That little burrow Spazz started has gone all the way to the side of the container!!!

And...I think I lied about how Bullet only makes sperm webs in new enclosures. {D Maybe he always made them in the same spot in his last cage so I never noticed, or maybe he really likes this enclosure, :? but I've found to more!!!

At least i know he'll be ready for his lady friend when I get her. :D



Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
My new babies. :D

2" T. gigas



P. cambridgei

P. regalis

P. murinus

am I asking to much to hope she'll just climb out...

I probably was, so I carefully took out the towel

she's gorgeous :drool:



Old Timer
Sep 20, 2009
Beautiful OBT. Mine is only an 1" now, but faster than I can even follow. She just turns up in a new position.

The T gigas looks like a male to me, but not 100% on that.


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
She is quite beautiful. :D I probably should have started with a sling. But I'm kind of crazy. {D

Alright. thanks.


Old Timer
Sep 20, 2009
She is quite beautiful. :D I probably should have started with a sling. But I'm kind of crazy. {D

Alright. thanks.
Crazy is right, she'll keep you on your toes for sure. But isn't that why we keep these things?

I would look for more feedback on the sex of your gigas, I'm not sure how that species tends to look.


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Crazy is right, she'll keep you on your toes for sure. But isn't that why we keep these things?

I would look for more feedback on the sex of your gigas, I'm not sure how that species tends to look.
haha, no doubt. {D

Alright, thanks, I'll see what others think.


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Also this is Leviathan my sisters new blizzard corn. Check out the awesome skull pattern on his head. LOL...


Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
She is quite beautiful. :D I probably should have started with a sling. But I'm kind of crazy. {D

Alright. thanks.
At least it's an OBT and not an adult S. cal!!!! I actually saw one of those in a LPS listed as a Pterinochlius sp. "Featherleg Baboon" (wrong genus labeled, but you can't expect too much out of the LPS). The lady at the counter was terrified of it...probably for good reason too. I feel sorry for whomever bought it (unless it was someone crazy like TNB, who actually does know something about this sp. {D ). My 2" girl can be a handful and a half, but those things don't really get an oh-so charming personality until they mature. I can wait a bit for that!!! :p

I really dig that cornsnake!!! Love that "skull" pattern....makes it look fearsome. {D


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
At least it's an OBT and not an adult S. cal!!!! I actually saw one of those in a LPS listed as a Pterinochlius sp. "Featherleg Baboon" (wrong genus labeled, but you can't expect too much out of the LPS). The lady at the counter was terrified of it...probably for good reason too. I feel sorry for whomever bought it (unless it was someone crazy like TNB, who actually does know something about this sp. {D ). My 2" girl can be a handful and a half, but those things don't really get an oh-so charming personality until they mature. I can wait a bit for that!!! :p

I really dig that cornsnake!!! Love that "skull" pattern....makes it look fearsome. {D
Hahaha so true. I'm not THAT crazy. :rolleyes: I certainly hope someone knowladgeable bought that one, I can't imagined some poor newbie buying one. I remember when I was first starting a petstore tried selling me their OBT.

It's pretty awesome!!! Thats how I was able to get my girl. I paid half for that snake. At least i got an OBT now. :p I really wish my dad hadn't freaked out on me and said no more. I was going to pick up a GBB at the show but it was $75 which was insane so I didn't. Now I really regret it cause I won't beable to get one. :wall: :wall: :wall:


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
New pics!!!

Echo was out last night. (she is again, but not in prime photoshooting area. She's webbed up the entire corner she's sitting in. :rolleyes:

I really do adore her. <3

Bullet is such a handsome boy, I really regret not being able to pick up a girl for him. :eek:

Not a great pic but...

The red rump is so calm and sweet :p

Some shots of the P. cambridgei. Really pretty carapace. :D

T. gigas. So cute.

(btw that is so not manga behind those enclosures :rolleyes: )

Spazz was awesome enough to build his burrow right against the wall...

But I had to collapse it. How lucky was I for him to have done that and I had to destroy it. :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: The leaf I had in there was molding and I had to remove it, but his burrow was build under the concealed part of the leaf. I knew it would collapse the burrow I tried to coax him out, but he got a little burried. He's fine, I dug him out.

My beautiful OBT girly has started to web :drool: (oh and if anyone has any name suggestions??? So far its I've been given the idea Kenya)



Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Got some new photos :D I was waiting to post in hope my new beauty would come out, but she's pretty much sticking to her web behind the corkbark. I caught her once, but before i could take a pic she ran back into her webbing.

B. smithi "Marik"

B. vagans

takin' a drink :D

P. regalis vs. cricket standoff. they sat this way for 10 minutes...

P. cambridgei, any guess on gender???


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
What, no love? (maybe I upload new stuff to often {D )

Some new pics

P. cambridgei

I rehoused him/her today, the original enclosure was to small from the start, now its a bit to big, but its better than what he was in!

Spazz, he's so cute :p (A. sp. "flagstaff orange" )

I don't know what the deal is, but Echo (C. schioedtei) has webbed up the entrance to her hide, hoping she's preparing to molt!!!

P. regalis

one of my cocoons before it hatched out:

the caterpillar

and this long bodied celler spider lived above my bed for the longest time..


Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Never thought much about them until recently, but I love that P. cambridgei. I think I need more Psalmos, though I'm looking for a P. pulcher as my next one. Won't be for a minute, though. Getting my GBB's this week (3 of them)!!!! That one takes presidence....along with a L. violacoepes, T. violaceus, A. purpurea, or any other blue or purple arboreal I find. :D


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Never thought much about them until recently, but I love that P. cambridgei. I think I need more Psalmos, though I'm looking for a P. pulcher as my next one. Won't be for a minute, though. Getting my GBB's this week (3 of them)!!!! That one takes presidence....along with a L. violacoepes, T. violaceus, A. purpurea, or any other blue or purple arboreal I find. :D
I totally agree, I love psalmos, it just took getting one to realize it. I'm so upset that he was sexed male! I'm still hoping the molt will say different. :eek: It seems I have no luck, my T. gigas was also sexed male. I love P. pulcher as well but i haven't seen one for sale!
And lucky you!!! I completely regret not buying a GBB at the show. >< now I won't be getting one till I move out. :wall: :wall: :wall:

Haha, big blue and purple fan? :D Though I do love all of the blue/purple ones, I've been finding myself more drawn to earthy colored Ts. :? Those are all some gret choices :D also check out T. cupreus and T. purpureus!

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
I totally agree, I love psalmos, it just took getting one to realize it. I'm so upset that he was sexed male! I'm still hoping the molt will say different. :eek: It seems I have no luck, my T. gigas was also sexed male. I love P. pulcher as well but i haven't seen one for sale!
And lucky you!!! I completely regret not buying a GBB at the show. >< now I won't be getting one till I move out. :wall: :wall: :wall:

Haha, big blue and purple fan? :D Though I do love all of the blue/purple ones, I've been finding myself more drawn to earthy colored Ts. :? Those are all some gret choices :D also check out T. cupreus and T. purpureus!
According to the World Spider Catalog T. purpureus was synonomized with T. violaceus last year. A. fasiculata was recently changed as well. However, the whole Grammostola thing with what to call a rose-hair has yet to be cleared up. Taxonomy can really be a pain sometimes. ;)

Blue, purple....yeah, my favorite colors. Even though terrestrials aren't my cup o' tea, I've been waiting 10 months to get a GBB!!! Wanted one ever since I saw it, so I ordered 3 of them to assure myself of a female. :D

Also getting a free P. cambridgei juvie. Not expecting much, but here's to hope!!!!


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Really? Thanks for the info, I had no idea. I was just going off of tarantula inc's list. I knew that A. fasiculata had been changed, but to what I can't remember. Amd all that rose hair buisness is kind of messed up.

They're are great colors, but my favorite color is silvery-grey. I know its not technically not a color, but, eh. {D Unfortunately there don't seem to be very many silvery-grey Ts out there, Pokies are about the closest thing!

Very cool! Though, I don't know if its the norm but mines got a worse attitude than my OBT!! No joke!!!
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Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
I believe A. fasiculata is now A. diversipes. At least we had a thread when G. aureostriata was synonomized with G. pulchripes. :wall:

If that P. cambridgei is worse than an OBT, I will be tickled pink about having a less-venomous S. cal!!!!!! {D If you like earthy-colors, then that sp. will blow your mind. Pics don't do them any justice.

Adult H. macs are a silvery-white, BTW. I personally wouldn't mind having a pure-white tarantula, either. Seen ones that are close...just browse the genus index, cuz I can't remember offhand where I found them. Probably because they are hair-kicking terrestrials. LOL


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
I think you're right. I believe thats what I saw it listed as now. No kidding, why can't they just leave them be???:rolleyes:

Oh ya, mines awful, back in its old enclosure which was rather small, I accidently got a drop of water on it when I was moistening the substrate and it shot up to the top of the enclosure and threw a threat display, and he kind of did a weird circle around the corkbark will still attempting to hold a threat. And he always throws a threat before munching a cricket. {D {D {D {D

Speaking of threats I saw the weirdest behavior in my B. vagans whom is usually very calm and docile. I was refilling his water bowl when he bolted across the enclosure, through a massive threat and smacked his water bowl. I was like {D :confused: :confused: :confused: {D. And I spooked my P. regalis and he litterally threw a ball of substrate across the enclosure (he'd been carrying it around)

Maybe so, but I dunno if I'm up to an S. cal yet though. H. mac though, :drool: :drool: :drool: I would love to have one of those. Especially since (and maybe this is odd) they remind me of my favorite large cat, a snow leopard! A pure white T WOULD be awesome. I don't think there are many close to it though, M. balfori has got the silvery thing going on though, mixed in with some stunning blue, they're definately on my want list, but they come with such a price tag...
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