Ariel's picture thread


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2008
Good luck with the breeding, we don't feel like we are experienced enough to try our hand at that, but someday i hope we will. We have 2 G. pulcras that we think will be our first attempt one day. They will take quite awhile to mature, so we have some time to gain more experience!:D


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
I probably don't have as much experiance as I should, I guess I'm kind of "jumping in" but ever since i made the descision to give it a shot I've been doing extensive reasearch, reading old threads and watching many videos. Although I won't be starting with her, I have a mature male A. avicularia and I'm picking up a female on sunday and hope to attempt to breed them. (they're suppose to be pretty easy, so we'll see. :razz: ) Good luck on your future breeding :) G. pulchra is a gorgeous species, I've been tossing around the idea of perchasing one, but I'm kind of keeping it down to what I REALLY want as Im limited on the ammount if spiders my parents are going to let in there house.

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Pretty smart idea....unless what you really want is like my laundry-list of what I really want. LOL You have some very lovely T's, though!!! That B. smithi is awesome!!!!

The vagans is male; you can tell by the position and shape of the booklungs. Females have round, almost oval shaped booklungs that are spread out trapezoidally, and the males are square-shaped and closer in.

A first breeding project doesn't depend so much on experience, as it does knowing what you are getting into. As long as you know the risks involved, the steps to take, and have researched how to get rid of all those slings, you will be fine. Anybody with a little gumption, and a little know-how can breed A. avics, G. roseas, and OBTs. Whether it's a success or not is determined by how well you've done your homework. It's the OTHER more difficult to breed species (*cough* Pokies) that require a bit more experience, and/or a lot more thorough research. You will do fine. I think it's great you have the ambition to do this. I might have to order a bunch of slings from you for a communal project. :D


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Pretty smart idea....unless what you really want is like my laundry-list of what I really want. LOL You have some very lovely T's, though!!! That B. smithi is awesome!!!!

The vagans is male; you can tell by the position and shape of the booklungs. Females have round, almost oval shaped booklungs that are spread out trapezoidally, and the males are square-shaped and closer in.

A first breeding project doesn't depend so much on experience, as it does knowing what you are getting into. As long as you know the risks involved, the steps to take, and have researched how to get rid of all those slings, you will be fine. Anybody with a little gumption, and a little know-how can breed A. avics, G. roseas, and OBTs. Whether it's a success or not is determined by how well you've done your homework. It's the OTHER more difficult to breed species (*cough* Pokies) that require a bit more experience, and/or a lot more thorough research. You will do fine. I think it's great you have the ambition to do this. I might have to order a bunch of slings from you for a communal project. :D
Ya, we'll see how many i can't get before my parents say "NO more!" :D

Darnit, I was REALLLLLY hoping ><

Ya, I can see what you mean. :) Even with all the research I'm still a little nervous with all the claims of how fragile avics are (thouh it seems to apply more to A. versicolors). Ahhh OBTs how I wish I could have one. :rolleyes:

Awesome :D, though i feel obligated to warn you I have not heard good things about communal Avics. Even the communal set up at the zoo here has suffered significant losses.

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Thanks for the warning. I have to try it, though....that and an OBT communal. I've heard mixed reviews on communals of "tolerant" species like Avics and OBT's. Some people had no problems, and others suffered heavy losses. In either case, it's good practice for having a fully communal species setup one day. Don't worry, I will end the project if canibalism becomes an issue. :p

You should just get an OBT anyway.....and a H. mac!!!! Lots of fun, I promise!!!{D


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Alright, well I'll keep you updated on the breeding project.

I'm looking to do a community too though I'm looking at. H. incei :D You'll definatly have to let me know how the Avic community goes, they're really a great species. :)

Oh, I wish I could, for both, but my mom said no to OBTs. so I guess I could still get an H. mac. Maybe if I plead she'll let me get an OBT.:rolleyes:


Old Timer
Sep 20, 2009
Oh, I wish I could, for both, but my mom said no to OBTs. so I guess I could still get an H. mac. Maybe if I plead she'll let me get an OBT.:rolleyes:
You should just explain to your mom that an OBT isn't as bad as an H Mac, and you're gonna get one or the other.

I'm jealous that you got a MET female! That's gotta be #1 on my list right now.


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
ya, well, my mom doesn't know about how bad H.macs are if she does find out it will be no on that as well. :wall: :wall: What i don't understand is that she wants a pokie (and has no T experiance other than what she's picked up from me) which is not as bad as an OBT but not harmless and friendly either.

Haha, ya, I had to have one, and paid pretty good money for her. :D


Old Timer
Sep 20, 2009
An OBT isn't as bad as a pokie. I mean, they're more aggressive than pokies, but the pokie bite seems to be about as bad as it can get for a T. I've got an OBT headed my way, basically in preparation for pokies.


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
I think I heard S. cal is thw worst, and I've read through both bite reports and the bite seems to be about the same, its the defensive/aggressiveness of the species that mom doesn't want it in the house. Mostly because my dad and sis are TERRIFIED of spiders, so she doesn't want one thats known to be more on the bitey side incase it got out.


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
I got new pics. :D

my little vagans, propped up in the corner, munching away on a cricket. {D

I got a pic of Spazz, up on the lid again. I always have to be careful opening his enclosure. :rolleyes:


the one time I've ever seen him on the branch...

I might get some pics of Echo too, she's out of her hide, hanging out, but I'm waiting for my camera to charge... :wall: :wall: :wall:


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Got some more...

Echo was out last night and after my camera charged I got some pics. She was in a difficult spot (facing a corner) so the pics aren't fantastic. but they're not terrible either. :D

And I went to fetch a dead uneaten cricket from Spazz's enclosure, and...I haven't handled any of my Ts, after I first tried to handle marik and she almost got away, I didn't try, didn't really see the point either... But I decided "why the heck not" and nudged him on my hand. It was awesome, except...being who he is, he didn't want to get off my hand afterwards. {D


Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
659 sweet!!! Handling is something you'll do more as time goes on. You'll come to enjoy it!!! It's honestly been my biggest tool for making "Spider-Converts."

That's cool your mom wants a Pokie......Maybe you should get her one!!! :D

From what I understand, Pokies do have the most painful bite in the hobby. However, I also understand that a S. calceatum bite has worse side-effects. I don't know which I'd rather be bitten by......I have both, but I'm not willing to be a venom test-subject either!!! OW venom is pretty painful all around anyways, so getting one is like picking your poison!!! ;P

BTW: I will definately keep you (and everyone else ;) ) updated on the communal projects. I'm doing further research into the matter of running a successful commune, and hope to have at least an OBT colony started by the end of the year. If you have any access to information on your zoo's Avic colony, I would be grateful for further information.


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Ya, it was great. I'm thinking of trying to hold my red rump next. :D Hopefully he won't think my hand is food, he hits those crickets hard! Speaking of which Spazz has stopped taking food, so I think he might be getting ready to molt! He's getting a bit darker but no to much, so it may be awhile still.

Haha, maybe i might. :D I'm just worried, becuase she wants to beable to handle it. :eek: (even though she knows the venom potency)

Hmm I might have to do some more looking into it, but ya, I so DO NOT want to get bitten by EITHER species, thanks. {D

Alright cool. I'd definately like to see an OBT communal. Orange overload!!!

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Warren Bautista has an OBT comunal project going on with 15 OBT's!! Check it out here.

Pokies generally calm down as they get older, so your mom has a good chance at holding one. As long as she knows the risks involved, she can make up her own mind on the matter. To ease your fears, though; my P. irminia is a lot more ill tempered than my Pokies, and I can handle her just fine. Probably best that your mom get some experience with some Avics first, though. {D


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
Warren Bautista has an OBT comunal project going on with 15 OBT's!! Check it out here.

Pokies generally calm down as they get older, so your mom has a good chance at holding one. As long as she knows the risks involved, she can make up her own mind on the matter. To ease your fears, though; my P. irminia is a lot more ill tempered than my Pokies, and I can handle her just fine. Probably best that your mom get some experience with some Avics first, though. {D
Ya, I've been following that thread, pretty awesome!!!

Well thats good to know. And I know, I suggested she start with an avic too, but she said it she's going to get a tarantula she's going to get a pokie or a T. blondi. She said she wouldn't hold it regularly, but she wants to beable to. So i dunno, maybe I'll give her one of my avic slings when I breed them.

I love your collection so far! It's beautiful. The B. smithi is gorgeous!
Thanks. :) She is gorgeous isn't she. :D


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
I liked your B. smithi the most
hehe, thanks, seems she's quite popular :D


I need to take more pictures so I can add to this thread. I almost bought a new T today but it was way over priced. $40 for a 1/2in A. versi, $40 for an 1in OBT, $80 for a 2 1/2 in B. smithi :8o hopefully they won't seriously over price the GBB they're going to order for me.

Still, should get some new pics up soon, reptile show is sunday and i plan to pick up some new Ts then. :D


Old Timer
Aug 2, 2009
She really is gorgeous <3

I've just realized his carapace has lost its fuzzy and become very shiny...T's equivelent of balding from old age??? :? (I'm just jokin' ;) though it probably is just cause he's old!)

Never put a T on bed sheets!!! (I went to pic him back up and he wouldn't let go!! I had to go and unstick each of his feet, boor baby!!!)

Ts and art (he found mah paintin')

I was going to rehouse Spazz into something more clear and smaller than what he's in:

but then I saw he'd started a burrow...

You gotta admit that enclosure is HUGE for him though:

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